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Fast links to Items: Richard – Laura
Fast links to Bios: Richard Spence – Laura London
Well, it’s official:
Saturday, November 7, 2020 — after an extended, nail-biting “mail-in ballot count” — Joseph R. Biden, Democrat, is now projected to become the “46th President of the United States.”
But, what does this really mean in 2020?
Almost half the electorate — over 70 million American citizens — voted for “the other guy,” for the current President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, Republican.
A not insignificant percentage of those Republican Trump voters are now accusing the Democrats of “rigging the election” … “stealing the election” … “fixing the election ….”
So far, nine separate legal challenges to these election results, in over half a dozen states, have been mounted by Republicans — in courts ranging from local state courts, to the Supreme Court of the United States itself.
NONE has been upheld.
So, are we still “hopelessly divided” as a country … or, capable once more of being “reunited?”
My guest tonight, historian Dr. Richard Spence, argues (with evidence!) that “The United States of America” has NEVER been “united.”
And, yet — across more than 240 years — when the “chips are really down,” the Nation has come together.
Will this also happen this time … after, perhaps, the most visibly disputed election of our lifetimes?
Join us … and find out.
Richard C. Hoagland
Trump Administration Suddenly Announces
Return of American Astronauts to the Moon …
Before End of President Trump’s Second Term!
Find Out “Why” Here:
Click on Image for
The Presidential Briefing
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Laura
Fast links to Bios: Richard Spence – Laura London
Show Items
Richard’s Items:
1- ‘This isn’t over!’: Trump supporters refuse to accept defeat
2- Covid-19-Daily-Deaths-Worldwide-Nov-7
3- Covid-19-Cases-Worldwide-Nov-2
4- Covid-19-Daily-Deaths-&-Cases-Worldwide-Oct-10-20
5- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Deaths – Statistics and Research
6- Oscillatory dynamics in infectivity and death rates of COVID-19
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Laura
Fast links to Bios: Richard Spence – Laura London
Laura’s Items:
1- Rick Levine’s November 2020 Forecast
2- Eagle Creek Fire Golf Photo
3- Power and Politics: The Psychology of Soviet-American Partnership by Jerome Bernstein, Jungian analyst
4- Living in the Borderland: The Evolution of Consciousness and the Challenge of Healing Trauma by Jerome Bernstein, Jungian analyst
5- Free PDF – “Where Do We Go From Here and How Do We Get There?” Politics Panel – One Year Later, Nov. 10, 2017
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Laura
Fast links to Bios: Richard Spence – Laura London
Dr. Richard B. Spence
Dr. Richard B. Spence is a retired Professor of History at the University of Idaho. His interests include Russian and military history along with espionage, occultism and anti-semitism. His major published works include Boris Savinkov: Renegade on the Left, Trust No One: The Secret World of Sidney Reilly, Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult, and Wall Street and the Russian Revolution, 1905-1925. He is the author of numerous articles in Revolutionary Russia, Intelligence and National Security, Journal for the Study of Anti-Semitism, American Communist History, The Historian, New Dawn and other publications. He has been interviewed on numerous programs and has been a commentator/consultant for the History Channel, the International Spy Museum, Radio Liberty and documentaries produced by the Russian Cultural Foundation.
2012, NROTC Faculty Excellence Award
2011, Recognized for Distinguished Service to the International Studies Program
2010, Fellow, Anti-Terrorism Program, Foundation for the Defense of Democracy, Tel Aviv
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Laura
Fast links to Bios: Richard Spence – Laura London
Laura London
Laura London studied experimental psychology at the University of Washington and earned her undergraduate degree in neuropsychology from a private Jesuit university.
After working for many years in neurology, neuro-imaging, and nuclear medicine at University Hospitals of Cleveland and its VA psychiatric hospital, she left that scene and entered into a 17-year Jungian analysis sending her deeply into the work of Carl Gustav Jung. She attended a wide variety of lectures, workshops and seminars with notable Jungian analysts and authors, and worked closely with the Jung Association of Central Ohio and the C.G. Jung Center in Chicago.
In 2015, she created the podcast Speaking of Jung: Interviews with Jungian Analysts, which led her to Zürich, Switzerland to visit the places where Jung lived and worked. For the past five years she has interviewed over 50 certified Jungian analysts in an effort to bring the theories and applications of Jungian analysis to a wider segment of the public. As host and producer she has made every episode available to stream or download for free at, where you’ll also find a treasure trove of resources on Jung, his psychology, and the people who practice it.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Laura
Fast links to Bios: Richard Spence – Laura London
I watched the producer of tRump’s TV show and Miss Teen pageant, say that tRump was not really into being the President, but his kids are. He said watch out for Eric and his greedy daughter, they want to rule the world.
Snopes said the same as you did.
Pasheen Lash wrote:
Anyone want to get into the weeds with me…?
Sidney is a friend of mine – we have worked a few issues together…she is Gen Flynn’s attorney – an amazing woman., and she knows it all…and she is on Trump’s legal team.
Sidney Powell says 3% of all the 2020 votes were fraudulent. If 140,000,000 votes were cast, that’s 4,200,000 million fraudulent votes. So far we’ve seen Dems using several organized fraud tactics.
Here is how the numbers are to stacking up:
1) Hammer and Scorecard software, used to change ballots in the tally computers (2000-6000 votes per each county in 30 states who use the software…. or, 2,000,000 votes total)
2) Fake ballots shipped in from Canada and dumped, after Nov. 3; some with just Biden on them, and no down-ballot names; some with no names at all, and some fake/forged names; all were backdated (1,000,000 votes in all swing states)
3) Dead people voting, no-name ballots, and faked/forged names of made-up or unregistered voters (see #2)
4) Voters in other states allowed to vote several times, in duplicate, or non-registered (200,000 votes in 30 states)
5) Trump ballots thrown out, by ballot counters and Post Office employees (500,000 votes in 30 states) 5) Phony ballots backdated to Nov. 3 so they can be counted after election day (see #2)
6) Ballots being changed by volunteers in the counting rooms (500,000 votes in 30 states)
7) Count observers being blocked from observing the ballots being counted (this enabled fraud in all Dem polling stations) That’s seven clear ways the Dems ordered up the biggest fraud election in history. –
Total Fraudulent Votes in 2020 Election: 2,000,000 (Hammer/Scorecard) + 1,000,000 (fake ballots counted) + 200,000 (dupes or non-regist.) + 500,000 (Trump ballots destroyed) + 500,000 (ballots changed at polling stations) = 4,200,000 Total Fraudulent Votes.
Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.
Wake up you sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead. He’s gone where the goblins go,
Below – below – below. Yo-ho, let’s open up and sing and ring the bells out.
Ding Dong’ the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know
The Wicked Witch is dead!
Thank god or the hyperdimensional being, for getting rid of tRump.
Now we can get back to normal. Maybe the virus will go away if we LOCK HIM UP.