SUNDAY, Dec 24th, 2023
SUN. 9 pm – Midnight PT / Midnight – 3 am ET
MON. 5 am GMT
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Dr. Semir Osmanagich
Semir Osmanagich, Ph.D. is a Bosnian-born Houston (USA) resident author, researcher and businessman. He discovered an ancient pyramid complex in Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina consisting, to date, of eleven artificial structures: the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, the Bosnian Pyramid of Love, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Dragon, the Temple of Mother Earth, Vratnica Tumulus, Dolovi Tumulus, Ginje Tumulus, KTK Tunnels, Underground Labyrinth “Ravne” and “Ravne 2” tunnels. (Photo gallery)
He has established a non-profit and non-government "Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun" Foundation to pursue the excavation and geo-archaeological work. (
Semir Osmanagich was born on June 1st, 1960 in Zenica.
His father Prof. Dr. Muris Osmanagic obtained his first PhD in mining exploration in the former Yugoslavia, held the highest scientific award “Nagrada AVNOJ-a”, was a member of the Yugoslav Parliament, a minister in Government, and the author of a number of books and scientific articles. His grandfather Munib Osmanagic moved from Visegrad to Sarajevo between two World Wars and became a director of “Merhamet Bank” in Sarajevo and a member of Parliament of Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
Semir Osmanagich completed elementary school in Sarajevo, graduated high school (“Druga gimnazija”) in Sarajevo as a top student in his class in the City of Sarajevo (“student of generation”) and completed college diplomas, Masters and PhD at the University of Sarajevo.
His business career started in the mid-1980s at UNIS (United Metal Industry of Sarajevo), at a huge 55.000-employees corporation where he was working as a research fellow in UNIS-Institute on strategic planning. In 1989 he started his own export-import and construction business in Sarajevo (Bosnia) and Split (Croatia) as the owner of the “Meteorit, Inc.” and “Meteorit 2, Inc.”.
After he moved in Houston, Texas he was working for the manufacturing company “Houston Protectors, Inc.” as a general manager. He started his own business “Met Company, Inc.” (est. 1995.), a manufacturing company with the customers in Oil&Gas, Construction and other industries. Dr. Sam is presently President of the Met Company, Inc. which employs over 120 employees and is also the owner of “Met Holding Group, LLC”. He was a long-time member of the Board of Directors of the non-profit “Alliance for Multicultural Activities” in Houston.
Dr. Sam is a member of the Archaeological Society of Alexandria (est. 1895) and became the first "honorary citizen" of the town of Visoko in 2006.
The Sarajevo daily newspaper, San, awarded Osmanagich the title of "Man of the Year 2007 in Bosnia-Herzegovina" for his research project, Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids, and for his promotion of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the world.
Osmanagich has been admitted as a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in Moscow, one of the most respected scientific institutions in the world with over twenty Nobel-prize winners. He is also a member of the Croatian Academy of Science and Art for Diaspora based in Bazel (Switzerland) since 2015.
Osmanagich holds his doctorate in Sociology of History. His PhD thesis was about the Mayan civilization and has been accepted at the University of Sarajevo.
- Ph.D. in Sociology of History: The Mayan Civilization, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia (Abstract)
- Master of Sciences in International Economics, University of Sarajevo
- B.S. in Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo
- B.S. in Economics, University of Sarajevo
- 2 years training in Sociology, University of Sarajevo
Osmanagich has authored fourteen books about ancient civilizations (The Mayan World, Peruvian, Mexican, Pacific, African and ancient European civilizations) and pyramids around the Word that have been published in the United States, Turkey, Slovenia, Serbia, Estonia, Croatia, Turkey, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Serbia, Spain, Kuwait, Italy and Bosnia-Herzegovina. (Books)
2006 – CNN, the most watched cable news program, announced as a "Breaking News" Osmanagic’s discovery in April 2006
2007 – ABC, the most popular US TV network, aired 30-minute "Special about the Bosnian Pyramids" <<LINK>>
2008 – BBC, the biggest European TV, aired news about the Bosnian Pyramids during the most popular show, duration 4,5 minutes
2009 – NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL – the most popular program about popular science aired 15-minute documentary about the Bosnian Pyramids and interview with Osmanagich
2010 – NTV, Moscow, most popular Russian TV; Italia Uno, most watched Italian TV, Nova TV, Croatian television; TVT, state television from Turkey; Channel 5 from Macedonia; they all filmed an interviews with dr. Osmanagich in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids
2012 – History Channel, "The Secrets of Pyramids" <<LINK>>
2013 – “Espana 5”, Spain
2014 - Discovery Science Channel, 30-minute episode "Bosnian Pyramids as Energy Machines", <<LINK>>
2015 – Hungarian “TV Duna”; “The Strait Times”, Singapore; “SITEL TV”, Macedonia
2016 - “TV3”, Slovenia; “TV My Planet”, Russia; “TRT”, TV from Turkey
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Fast links to Bios: Sam – Maria
Maria Wheatley
The Avebury Experience,
Esoteric College
Maria is a second-generation dowser who was taught by European Master Dowers, her late father and Chinese geomants. She is a leading authority on geodetic earth energies, ley lines and stone circles. Maria is an accomplished author of books on sacred sites and dowsing.
In 2015 Maria made a major discovery. In the Neolithic period there was a royal priesthood of long skulled (elongated) people that made Stonehenge their spiritual capital. Across Europe and the British Isles, this Enigmatic long lost civilization designed elongated shaped monuments to reflect their skull shape. During the Early Bronze Age, the long skulled people were murdered by round skulled people who designed round stone circles and created round barrows for the departed – reflecting the shape of their skulls. Maria tracked down the long elongated skull of the High Queen of Stonehenge and many others to reveal the Secret History of Stonehenge.
Maria has studied Neolithic Britain and Bronze Age prehistory at Bath and Oxford University. Alongside other professionals, Maria combines her knowledge of archaeology, and earth energies with state of the art equipment to detect and interpret the hidden frequencies that the Earth emits. She is an expert on locating and analyzing earth energies at sacred sites across Europe.
Maria has also written holistic diploma courses and runs which offers certificated courses on holistic subjects including past life regression, Druid Soul Star astrology, tarot and dowsing.
Maria teaches advance dowsing techniques which are not taught anywhere else in the world.
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Maria – Sam
Fast links to Bios: Sam – Maria – Georgia
Georgia Lambert
Website: Lambert’s Lodge
Georgia Lambert has over fifty years of experience in the field of Esoteric Studies, receiving formal training in Eastern and Western disciplines, methods and traditions. She was the first to be licensed by the State of California to teach Meditation and Esoteric Physiology, an experimental course she presented for 3 years at the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific.
In the past, she has served on the board of directors of United Health Resource, has been on the staff at the Institute for Health Facilitation for 3 years, taught for 2 years for the Institute for Advancement of Human Potential, and served on the Teaching staff of the Philosophical Research Society for 10 years, under Manly Palmer Hall. Her lecture credits include Children’s Hospital of Orange County, California State University of Fullerton, Orange Coast College, and Orange County Correctional Facility at Chino, The William Parker Holistic Health Center, The University of the Seven Rays, The Edgar Casey Foundation (A.R.E.),The Theosophical Society, Arcana Workshop, and the 1985 National Cranial Conference sponsored by the American Osteopathic Association.
In 1989, she became the first woman to address a Scottish Rite Research Group on the higher degrees of Masonry. In 1995, 1996, and 1997 she gave presentations to the Pacific Southwest Regional Conclaves of the Rosicrucian Order A.M.O.R.C., both in the USA and in Canada. In 2001, she was invited to participate in a “Think Tank” under the umbrella of an Aerospace Corporation on the subject of Science and Education, and her artwork was featured at the Education Summit for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. In England, she has given seminars for the Scientific and Medical network at St. Katherine’s College in Oxford, and for the Wrekin Trust at Regents Park College, London. Her publishing credits include articles in the British Holistic Health Journal, Caduceus, and appearances on both radio and television.
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Maria – Sam
Fast links to Bios: Sam – Maria – Georgia
Why the Fury to Return to Mars?
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Maria – Sam
Fast links to Bios: Sam – Maria – Georgia
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Maria – Sam
Fast links to Bios: Sam – Maria – Georgia
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Maria – Sam
Fast links to Bios: Sam – Maria – Georgia
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Richard’s Items:
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Fast links to Bios: Sam – Maria – Georgia
Maria’s Items:
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Fast links to Bios: Sam – Maria – Georgia
Sam’s Items:
‘Ravne 3 – World’s Oldest Structure’
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Maria – Sam
Fast links to Bios: Sam – Maria – Georgia
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