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477 Comments so far:

  1. The REST of the story has to come at the end of story – mr goddamn “wordsmith” LOL

  2. Back off the host mic just a bit. Overmod

  3. Pense came off like a religious radical who wants to make religion dictated by the Government – just like Muslim extremists.

  4. I listen on KCAA, which is an AM station, and therefore in glorious mono. the Dark Matter network was in stereo AND also the site had a “MUSIC” section on which one could find the bumper music. Have i just missed finding that section? Also don’t know how to find a sere version of the program. Hopefully, the new network situation will correct that shortcoming.

  5. Michael Jordan says:

    Guess i should address this to M. I can’t seem to find the full mix version of “Blamin’ The Rain”. Only the “piano only” mix seems to be available. I’m dying to purchase the full mix version of that brilliant Amanda performance of that GREAT song! Help!!

  6. Michael Jordan says:

    Best music EVER Blame it ON the Rain!!!!

    • Norman says:

      Richard, for your delight; I wish to direct you to the Benny Goodman album, Live in Stockholm 1970. Listen to Venus H.B. “Turkish March” by Mozart. The reason for my suggestion will not only please you; it will astound you.

    • I meant “Blamin’ The Rain”

  7. WayneSlater says:

    I don’t care for HRC and her globalist agenda whatsoever. But, what really gets me is that the very people most victimized by this “elite globalist agenda” are for billionaire Trump for president. Trump said last night that he payed no income tax because he’s smart. Trump must think we are all fools because we pay taxes. So I guess it’s OK that the rest of can pay more so he and all the other billionaires and corporations can pay none. Yes. Trump resonates with our collective anger, but we hopefully don’t make our own life decisions based on anger or our “gut feelings” alone. Likewise should we elect a President who will make decisions based in anger. Thinking with your adrenal gland is how you will lose the fight for true liberty. You have a brain, use it, use discernment, revisit your assumptions regularly, find the best EVIDENCE about everything you have a “position” on. Trump has an adolescent temperament and as president he will bring disgrace and possible ruin to everyone – but maybe that’s what his supporters really want. Yeah, that’lL show the elites – go for it. Vote for a guy who is a member of the very same group that has stolen your wealth and your level of education for decades. What a sick joke on us. We are in real trouble here. Thank you “Mr. Moningstar” for making my point and RCH for dumping him from the panel. At the end of the day I still have no presidential candidate to vote for,

  8. KathleenHenderson says:

    I totally agree with the comments above, especially Deborah cWilken. These repeat callers just like to hear themselves and never add to the conversation. PLEASE quit giving them airtime that could be used by your guests. Hour 2 of TOSOM (not c2c) could be stimulating conversation with your guests if you could just cut those people off instead of letting them ramble. I sincerely want your show to be 3 or 4 hours, but not if these callers are given more time instead of your guests. I love your round tables; they would be exponentially better if their members were each given more time. (Club 19.6 member since July 2015)

  9. Deborah cWilkin says:

    why r these callers allowed to just call in and ask random questions (eg Darin). they r not in context or consistent with show subject and they are boring and self serving- is this open lines or show about musical waves? Sorry, but Darin is like a college freshman allowed to interject before and with a knowledgable relevant guest I would like to hear from- I do not want to hear darin’s non-take. at least have questions at end so I can disengage.

  10. charlie meyer says:

    Poor radio when 2 fools are yacking at the same time..

    Turn the switch (pot) down, yelling loader to hold on HOLD ON back up BACK UP is ineffective and a waste of radio time.

  11. Paul says:

    I wanted very much to support Richard and the program but no RSS feed, no answer to emails or comments about RSS feeds… so, sorry to say… unsubscribed from 19.5!

    • GregStierley says:

      I asked about this quite some time ago as well and I see others asking so is there any ETA on itunes or an RSS feed? I haven’t actually listened since you lost it as you can’t pause an mp3 and resume it where you left off, auto-download/update etc. and I like to listen on my commute. So anyway ETA?

  12. Richard Steiger says:

    I am becoming disappointed here. Somebody is dropping the ball. Do you want us to keep listening or do you not care? Get it together please!

  13. nicholasbrady says:

    Today’s show still hasn’t posted and Mondays is still missing. I would like to know if they ever will be posted. I really wanted to hear Mondays show and last nights was a part 2 of the show before so i hope it shows up eventually also.
    I love listening to the show but this wondering if a show will even post the next day is frustrating.

    • Will Farrar says:

      Last night’s show got canceled. There was some ‘issues’ that seemed to make a WHOLE LOT of Network problems!! We rescheduled to next Friday with myself and the guys! Hope you can tune in!

      • PeterKemmerer says:

        Thanks for the explanation, Will. Somebody should update the website with that sort of thing so we know. Looking forward to Pt. 2.

    • RandallSumner says:

      9:30 PM on 9/17. Fri/Sat show still not posted and no explanation.

    • RandallSumner says:

      9:30 PM on 9/17. Where are the shows?

  14. RogerCunningham says:

    Why does it take so long for you to download the last show ?Whats the point of being in Club 19.5,if can’t download the last show?Post the shows sooner or I’m GONE.

  15. PeterKemmerer says:

    Nearly 4 PM ET on Tue afternoon, and the Mon/Tue show still isn’t posted for download. Still no RSS feed, either. Neither of these was an issue at the old venue for the show. Step up your game, guys.

    • PeterKemmerer says:

      Make that 6 AM ET on Wed morning, still no Chris Conrad episode from two shows ago. Did that show even air? This is why we can’t have nice things.

  16. Doug Trieber says:

    Saturn’s moon Iapetus is known for it’s equatorial ridge. you said a planet that’s tidally locked may have a zone of liquid water around the terminator. Knowing how water expands when it freezes, could that explain that Iapetus may have been a tidally locked planet at one time?

  17. MikeM says:

    Please limit your comments to your guests. They are much more brilliant than you.

    • There are spirals of less gravity than the norm on the surface of the earth. See the blog: the once and future; the book is “The Once and Future Age.”

  18. ScottRudolph says:

    Best show anywhere these days!! Awesome show!!

    Thank you for all the hard dedicated work to all the OSOM team!

    • MichaelMaher says:

      Agreed. It just keeps getting better.
      I like that the show has a theme to it vs a little of this & a little of that of totally unrelated topics.

      • Mikem says:

        Yeah, Hoagland, why don’t you through your guest completey off his subject so you can get him completely off his subject so neither him nor your audience knows what the hell you’re talking about and then stick your stupid mouth into it. Do you even know what the subject is now? You idiot. I’m sure you’re audience (all 2 of them) don’t know what the subject is any more. FOOL!

      • MikeM says:

        Damn right!! Unrelated is an understatement. But then, Hoagland makes it unrelated and disoriented with his egotistical running off at the mouth.

    • MikeM says:

      This show as gone frome mediocre to crop. All Hoagland wants to do is talk. He interrupts his guests and is generally obnoxious.
      Worse still is Morningside. He not only interrupts guests, he talks right over them. He is the worst crap interviewer I ever heard! I am sure the is no worse.
      Get rid if that idiot.

      • MikeM says:

        Sorry, I meant the show has gone from mediocre to CRAP! Sorry to say you have one of your two listeners. Goodbye Mr. Hoagland.

        • MikeM says:

          I guess silence indicates assent. There have been no replies to my message – so it MUST BE TRUE!
          Aww. . . Po widdle Hoagie!! And it started out so good, too. I guess the guests just couldn’t stand being interrupted by the host(s) so much.

  19. MichaelMaher says:

    To TOSOM;
    I tend not to believe everything I see. But… Anthony Patch seems like he is either very delusional or very smart & right now I’m leaning to the latter. #scareystuff

  20. LORETTA ALEKSA says:

    Is anyone else having problems with the website? I try to leave comments on the contact page and nothing types. I hit Login Club 19.5 and 1 out of 20 times I might gain entry. I am being billed twice a month for membership.
    Please somone HELP!

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