Tag Archives: Dr. John E. Brandenburg
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Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard – Bob – Andrew – Ron – Timothy – Keith Fast links to Bios: John – Bob – Andrew – Ron – Timothy – Keith Something bizarre is going on with NASA …. It began last week, right after our Saturday night show on “Perseverance” — NASA’s newest, dramatically successful landing on the Martian surface, Thursday, Feb 18th; this extraordinary feat was immediately followed by a series of spectacular color Martian images, beamed back to Earth of a remarkable place on Mars named “Jezero Crater.” It was then that “something” truly weird and inexplicable began happening … inside NASA– The sudden cancellation of ALL planned, live NASA Perseverance press conferences! Followed by– The equally sudden halt to the posting of ANY further Perseverance images … on EVERY NASA WEBSITE in the world! Finally (and MOST mysterious)– NASA’s famed, unique television flagship, “the NASA TV Channel” — […]
.REPLAY Richard’s crashed hard drive was shipped out of state and has not been returned yet… retrieval in progress, so, unfortunately, no live weekend shows. We Offer This Classic Show Is a “long-extinct” volcano on the planet Mars, named “Arsia Mons” — against everything that NASA has been telling us for over fifty years about “a long-dead planet” — suddenly, right now– Massively erupting?! And, if it is… how will such a world-changing planetary event affect all future missions — including … ambitious plans for “colonizing Mars,” being aggressively pursued by, among others, rocket pioneer Elon Musk? NASA is totally dismissing this phenomenon, claiming it is merely “ice-crystals, lofted higher in the Martian atmosphere because of seasonal winds, streaming over the massive, miles-high volcano from the east.” NASA spacecraft orbiting the planet show everything as “normal, while, inexplicably, European spacecraft have been repeatedly taking images — for over an entire month! — that show a stunning “plume […]
John E. Brandenburg is a theoretical plasma physicist who was born in Rochester Minnesota, and grew up in Medford Oregon. He obtained his BA in Physics, with a Mathematics minor, from Southern Oregon University in 1975 and obtained his MS in 1977 and PhD in Plasma Physics both from University of California at Davis in 1981. He presently is working as a consultant at Morningstar Applied Physics LLC and a part-time instructor of Astronomy, Physics and Mathematics Madison College and other learning institutions in Madison Wisconsin. Before this, he worked at Orbital Technologies in Madison Wisconsin, as Senior Propulsion Scientist, working on space plasma technologies, nuclear fusion, and advanced space propulsion. He is the principle inventor of the MET (Microwave Electro-Thermal) plasma thruster using water propellant for space propulsion. He has previously worked on SDI, the Clementine Mission to the Moon, Rocket Plume-Regolith Interactions on the Moon and Mars, Vortex […]