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Guest Page Fast links to Items: Keith  –  Jon 1-10  –  Jon 11-30  –  Jon 31-60 Fast links to Bios:  Jonathan   –  Keith   Support The Other Side of Midnight!     Shortcodes Demigods and Dragons of Utah What is S.E.P.? Douglas Adams, best known as author of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, put forth the idea that some objects in question are so ridiculously out of context that the mind ignores them. It could not possibly be real and thereby irrelevant to one’s existence. It is Someone Else’s Problem. On April 28th, 1770, as his ship, “The Endeavor”, sailed into Botany Bay, Joseph Banks recorded the indifference of the Aboriginal people to the arrival of something never before seen. Could this mindset be in play in regards to humans acknowledging ancient ET ruins on Earth, Mars, and beyond? Psi-archeologist and astral Samaritan, Jonathan Womack, is on a mission […]

  Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Jon  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron Fast links to Bios:   Ron  –  Barbara  –  Andrew  –  Kynthea  –  Keith  –  Jon  –  Robert   Support The Other Side of Midnight! Artemis CONFIRMS Astronaut Alan Bean’s “Fantastic” Paintings of the Moon! What does NASA’s first new human lunar mission in 50 years, since the end of the Apollo Program — an unmanned test named “Artemis” (after the twin sister of “Apollo”…) — and the fourth man to walk on the Moon in the Apollo Program — astronaut and fine artist, Alan Bean — have in common? BOTH have now confirmed the astonishing existence of “a fundamentally unknown, ancient, mind-blowing, all-encompassing one-time feature of the Moon”– The physical existence of a “satellite-wide, tens-of-miles-high, layered glass dome …” — that, like a planet wrapped in cellophane! — once completely covered the surface of the […]

Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Andrew  –  Robert  –  Ron Fast links to Bios:  Andrew  –  Robert  –  Ron Support The Other Side of Midnight! The “Cosmic” World Series of 2022: Hyperdimensional Realities Behind “The National Pastime” “Phillies Relievers Shut Down Astros, Justifying Bold Managing ….” Some of you may be wondering “why,” of all things, I suddenly decided to do a show on “baseball” tonight. Here’s part of the answer, from Ted Anthony writing for The Associated Press– “Baseball is America’s game: the America that was stitching itself together in the first half of the 20th Century [good one Ted …) and becoming a ‘national’ mass culture … In retrospect, though, at a time when ‘being American’ was more of a ‘thing’ than ever before, it ended up being an exercise in candy-coating baseball with myth [yes, we also love myths …] — Abner Doubleday, Cooperstown, 1839 […]

Guest Page Fast links to Items: Joseph – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta Fast links to Bios: Joseph & Nancy – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta – Keith Guest Page Fast links to Items: Joseph – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta Fast links to Bios: Joseph & Nancy – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta – Keith Show Items . Joseph’s Items: 1. Joseph’s contributions to the largest online library in the world   2. Nancy’s Thoughts on Health     3. World Symbolism     4. Origins of Christianity and Other Religions; As Told in the World’s Oldest Language: Symbolism     5.     6.     7.     8. Origins of the Suavastika & Swastika, Worldwide, As Told in the World’s Oldest Language, Symbolism     9. “Gill’s Historical Index To Gems And Jewelry Online”, Including Journals, Articles And Books From 1652 Until 2009 *     10. Adventure In My Blood DON’T MISS […]