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Roger Spurr’s Items:
1- Academics confirm Mudfossil DNA
2- Mudfossil Lung found in mudflats suspected to be 4300 years old.
3- Human Bones Dissolve in Salt Water of the Ocean
4- Same Mudfossil Lung found in a mudflats suspected to be 4300 years old from the Great Flood. Soft tissues are preserved in saltwater and not bones. Impacted in fine wet mud they barely deteriorate.
5- Same Mudfossil Lung dried out in two weeks. If mudfossils remain wet they are preserved almost forever. Click Image to Enlarge
7- Living tissue with facia tongue / Perfectly preserved mudfossil meat with the facia tongue.
9- Colossus of Appennino, Florence, Italy
9B- Article – possible demonstration of one civilization carving into ancient forms from another epic…in this case…a Giant. The article claims that the Giant was created in the 16th century…but there is another possibility.
Giant 16th-Century ‘Colossus’ Sculpture In Florence, Italy Has Entire Rooms Hidden Inside
10- Statue del Gigante, Montorosso del Mare.
11- Head found in a muddy bank in a Kentucky Creek. It was cat scanned and the forehead is crushed in and there is a knife penetration wound at the top of the skull. He is wearing a knit cap that you can slide a paper up between the cap and the skull.
12- Opalized Heart. Mudfossils also come as Opals. They are fossilized in the transition metals of blood. Click Image to Enlarge
13- Transition Metals are ignored by doctors but are the only reason you are alive and they are found in all living things and mudfossils. Mudfossils display these exact metals in specific areas of the body, like the heart, lung, and tendons…etc. CLICK TO ENLARGE
14- Lung on the Left literally bled after cleaning as seen in the notepad. Lung on the right is DNA certified modern human mtDNA. It is virtually pristine and still coated with the original pleura (a protective “fabric-like” coating).
15– In the first few minutes you will come to reconsider everything you thought about history and ancient creatures!
16- Bolivian Reptile: At the southern tip of South America appears to be a serpent head. If you look carefully along the coast and quite a ways inland, you will see the serpents body and scales.
17- Mummy Cross Section
21 – This is the Top View of #20
23- Mudfossil slabs cut up for building.
24- Tracker Tracks across a mudfossil.
Roger Spurr
Contact: Mud Fossils <[email protected]>
Rodger 1st Time contact. I have no one else to talk to. How I got here I doin’t really know. Part you and Part “Fear God and Repent CRT Channel. And well GOD ALMIGHTY. Question. I remember your statements on Bipoles. And ever since I heard about the Mayan,Egyptian,Ina warnings that have been hidden. About the Revesal. I have been curious. I heard that certian people will see delusions whilst still awake. And their is nothing anyone could do for them. That “They will Believe a lie. As The word of God states. That They will be given over to a strong delusion. I started by simply asking AI the following question. ” Quantum Biology and magnetic Bipole reversal effects on the human mind?” Can You expound on this subject at all? Or do you have any links that go deeper. Oh and I can’t seem to find the correct Glyph traslations that speak of it. I also know that Rocks were floating at the reversal as well, were said to be SINGING? hERE IS A COPY OF THE AI Answer. Which has sent me down 4 other trails. Like if SSRI’S Contribute to white matter in the brain.
As well, what contributes to white matter. It was looking that some sources. Were alluding that white matter spots in cerebral cortex was caused by High Iron? However then seen something contradicting this> I am a Highschool dropout. However GOD Gave me crittitcal thinking to Question that of man. I am curious of what man has pourposly done to add to white matter if indeed it does contribute to The dulusionS ETC. I love your stuff. And could only wish I could have been mature in the lord/ When I first ran across you channel; back in 2015. However God I think. Wanted my foundations stonger first. Your work is for the spiritual mature. Who can accpt Gods 10 commandments and Truths of Salvation first and foremost. See your numbers are like a cat video channel. However the quality of your subscribers. I don’t gamble. But would bet is of a High Caliber. Not refering to myself in this ” High Caliber” However I have FAITH. Which JESUS CHRIST MY LORD AND SAVIOR FORGED!!! AND IS CURRENTLY TEMPERING as I type this. And for that, I wouldn’t TRADE FOR ANYTHING ON THIS CORRUPT EARTH. God Bless you Brother. Much Respect. Your Brother in CHRIST. Timothy Thomas. Oh in closing. I Know that there is a way way out of my league. And have no idea of what I am doing. If so . Please don’t hesitate to correct me. Feel free to Text and or email, TIMOTHY THOMAS, 727-226-7420 – [email protected]…. ai answer….
quantum biology and magnetic bipole revesal effects on the human mind
Usingthe web
Quantum biology is a rapidly evolving field that explores the intersection of quantum mechanics and biological processes. It has been suggested that quantum effects could play a role in various biological phenomena, including consciousness and visual perception1. The concept of magnetic bipole reversal, or geomagnetic reversal, refers to changes in the Earth’s magnetic field that can occasionally switch the positions of magnetic north and south. While the full implications of such a reversal on the human mind are not fully understood, there is interest in how magnetic fields might influence biological processes and consciousness.
For instance, the role of Müller cells in the retina has been discussed in the context of quantum biology, suggesting that these cells facilitate photon transfer, which could be part of the process of consciousness1. Additionally, the effects of magnetic fields on singlet states of entangled oxygen have been shown to affect neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus, which is intriguing given that triplet oxygen is not entangled, while the singlet state is1.
Quantum effects in the brain have also been reviewed, with theories proposing that quantum entanglement and electron spin changes could contribute to neural processing and consciousness2. These theories extend to the possibility that general anesthesia, which turns off consciousness, might operate through quantum means.
Overall, while the field of quantum biology and its potential effects on the human mind, particularly in relation to magnetic bipole reversal, is still in its infancy, it presents a fascinating area of study that could reshape our understanding of consciousness and cognition. If you’re interested in a deeper dive into this topic, the resources I found could provide more detailed insights12.
Learn more
Roger, your dna thumb is at work here, look closely at the petroglyph
Unintentional comedy.
Mr. Spurr,
Please add me to the list of MANY people who is admiring you and praying for you every single night from the time my son and I “met” you vía YouTube. I am increasingly confident you and your work is anointed by the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ. Certainly I am a very recent follower of your work (April 12, 2022 stumbled upon your channel) but in my opinion, I do not believe a single human being can strike my full attention in a matter of mins if that person is not acting under a spirit of excellence. I am hungry for the truth. I look forwarded to your videos and I have dedicated my entire sunroom to pages, past articles, books and websites print outs trying to keep up with your information so kindly handed out to we the people. You are a very generous with your wisdom. God Bless you!! Thank you.
Brandy Kirk
[email protected]
Here is a link to some pictures of what I believe to be a petrified heart.
I’m attempting to post again as I don’t think the first link I posted worked.
“Follow Your Gut: Microbiomes and Aging with Rob Knight – Research on Aging” :
Roger, ran across this today.
Looks like somebody is taking the Gut Critters seriously. Very interesting ideas here. Profiles and comparisons in mice and ppl. I cd see Dr. Amen’s brain imaging pics being tied in here too as a diagnostic.
Enjoy much of your work esp Archeology and the Transitional Metals. Been taking bits of Indian Black Salt for that. Cd feel a difference quickly, like my gut critters woke up. Thanks, as you provide much food for thought.
Bless You. — tls
How do I send a pic of, what I believe to be a, giant’s finger or toe? …based on the pics that you’ve shown. Thank you
I just emailed you my address…:) Kynthea
Roger I appreciate all of your findings. These people who don’t believe will die . In the Bible it says that men’s heart will fail when they see what is coming on the earth. You’re findings are just a small glimpse. Thank you for all you do.
this is amazing and justiied the bible and commom sense. Thank you Bro. Roger and all that contribute to your work.
Why in the world this semi-coherent delusional nincompoop Spurr is given any credence is a mystery to me.
Worst pseudoscientific horse-puckey ever. Does he even have any basic Earth Sciences (geology, geography, mineralogy, chemistry) training or exposure beyond Middle School????
Your name calling, poor grammar and reading skills puts you on an even lower level than middle school. The above introduction explains his qualifications as being knowledgeble in chemistry and biology on the molecular level and thus his findings and conclusions from examining geological and mineral deposits is politely requesting the opinions and thoughts of other researchers and students on these controversial ideas. Nothing to get uptight about if you have no comprehension or vision of a greater reality! —d-p—
It’s spelled knowledgeable by the way.
thanx you get an a+ and I -a
Wow if you don’t believe this to be true, you are being desensitized. Do your research. Many men have proved this to be true and have been killed to be silence. Tom Clancy, Flynn, Chris Putnam. And many more.
A sad case really. Not so much that one man, Roger Spurr is so grossly delusional, and prone to extreme apophenia and pareidolia, but that he has managed to mislead so many gullible largely religious folks into believing his nonsense. This channel needs to be removed from the Sci & Tech heading to something more appropriate like Entertainment at the very least. This bizarre kind of thing (Mudfossils University) should come with a warning lable for the science illiterate. TNQ
It’s disappointing that you would immediately disregard these findings due to the fact that the conclusions results in accepting notions that modern day Academics would say is absolutely crazy. What I ask instead is to debunk this information with actual evidence instead of characterizing everyone as having an insane form of apophenia. I am convinced and I expect you to accept the same when you really evaluate and attempt to debunk the evidence.
I recognize it as absurdly crazy to believe but the evidence is there.
I love the way doubters throw insults, instead of actually making a valid criticism. If you’re so academically trained, please answer how DNA has been gathered from Roger’s fossils. Please tell us what you find untrue, instead of painting everything as crazy. The real truth is that our history has been hidden from us because it doesn’t fit the Darwinian paradigm. It’s sad to see people hold onto such a ridiculous theory like evolution. The simple fact is that people don’t want to believe there is a God that will judge His creation. They cannot accept the fact that they must answer for every idol thought, and imagination. Truth is truth, whether you believe it, or not. We can come up with as many theories as we want. It won’t save us when we take our last breath. That’s why He sent His son, Jesus Christ. Read John 3:16. It answers all.
No but that’s why we can trust him. His heart and passion leads him. He knows what he sees because he doesn’t study it for a paycheck rather actually forks out alot of money to find the truth. Over educated people or lying secret societies are all to common and very much the problem in far more areas than just this. Big name ivy league schools are only good for 2 things; 1, beating God and the exsistence of anything supernatural out of people and 2, False and the unseen underlying luciferian (satanic) indoctrination. I go with the Bible which Roger is helping daily to validate more and more and that Bible says world education will and is showing to be foolishness and that which is said to be the fool is showing to be the wise! Thank you sir. I’ll pray for as you clearly have anger issues about the truth being made known. I’m going to go out on a wild limb here and guess your a freemason or associated equal at least at some level and lying? It’s either that or your decieved and believe everything your told without testing any of it?
Humans Constructed “Basalt Columns” on Earth and on Mars.:
I may not agree completely with the guest, but I must say that I really liked how Kynthea conducted the interview. Richard, you have a worthy stand-in for when you cannot be there.
Roger is right on target.
My research of 44+ years confirms what he says.
The northwest corner of Africa/Sahara he refers to as a dragon is actually “a Dolphin” on the larger scale.
The length of the Atlas Mountain range are the body with the nose touching the Atlantic. The tip of the back fin is at the Straits of Gibraltar and part of the tail fin is at Sicily.
c Symynyshyn Sculpture Studios
I totally disagree that you think it’s a dolphin. Dolphins don’t have reptilian skin and bones. The whole shape on Google Earth looks like a dragon.
You only say that because Roger told you so and he is a Christian so he must be right! I speak from my own research & observations like I said on a bigger scale than that puny little dragon. Dolphins do have bones and a partly decomposed fossilized dolphins skin is certainly not in steamlined mint condition. Besides I don’t believe dragons existed as actual physical creatures. That was used as an ancient metaphor to describe a horrific cataclysm or a frightening celestial event such as a comet or meteor. Dinosaurs could probably be considered the closest description by primitive man of a dragon.
I found a tooth and what seems to be part of a tongue while gold hunting in Idaho at first I thought it just to be a rock but a cool rock so I brought it home this was 2 yrs ago and I was looking through them a couple days ago and something caught my eye and it’s a pretty large tooth in what just looks like a strange rock further investigating I also think I have a part of a tongue that what ever it is bit off and now frozen in time I don’t know exactly how long it takes for nine to turn to stone but I don’t think it’s from my time or my mother grandmother her mother her mother and so on please help me figure this out I’ll be waiting for a reply thank you for the time it took to read and this is real very real I have zero fought
look at the usgs earthquakes map. south am. the falt line is red outline of the dragon with Bristol island as the nose.
DISCORD isn’t working. tonight.
What about almost all of our foods are loaded with toxic chemicals?
And what about breatharians?
Ayers Rock is a heart and Devils Tower is a giants foot? This guy has smoked way too much of that Wacky Tobaccy. Now as far as Devils Tower goes I can believe it just might… just might be a giant tree stump, but a foot? No… I’m not buying that one even if I smoke some of his good stuff.
It’s just as weird to be certain that it isn’t from a giant.
To all these non-believers in Roger’s work… Instead of basing your comments off of your own opinions, prove him wrong with some factual evidence. Your negative comments only speak to how gullable you are by believing everything you were force fed in school and college. ⁵