.We regret tonight’s guest is not well.
As the focus is currently on the President’s health,
we are offering this show that lays the foundation
for the Big Picture
Trump Administration Suddenly Announces
Return of American Astronauts to the Moon …
Before End of President Trump’s Second Term!
Find Out “Why” Here:
Click on Image for
The Presidential Briefing
Trailer: https://youtu.be/G7rLvWy8Ih0
SAT. 9 pm – Midnight PT / Midnight – 3 am ET
SUN. 4 am GMT
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Chandra
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Show Items
Richard’s Items:
A few weeks ago, I talked with Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe — probably the most eminent “astrobiologist” on Earth — about the extraordinary, but very serious scientific possibility that the never-before-seen “Covid-19 virus” may, indeed, have fallen to Earth–
From “outer space!”
Now, a world-class team of other astrobiologists has published a ground-breaking scientific paper, examining thousands of close-up surface images from the NASA Curiosity rover currently exploring Mars. Based on hundreds of startling examples, the team has provisionally concluded that a) Curiosity has found MULTIPLE forms of incredibly “Earth-like” living organisms on the Red Planet, and b) if these are real examples of Martian biology in all these NASA images … they had to have been transported to Mars sometime in the ancient Martian geologic past–
Through outer space … from Earth!
Until I can return to live programming once again, tonight we are re-playing my remarkable conversation with Dr. Wickramasinghe of a few weeks ago … and providing a link to this extraordinary “Martian lifeforms” paper, published in the prestigious “Journal of Astrobiology and Space Science Reviews.”
Journal of Astrobiology and Space Science Reviews
Richard C. Hoagland
1-Coronavirus: Reinvented ‘iron lung’ technology could help save the NHS, say experts
2- ‘It’s not fancy, but it works’: Mississippi doctor uses garden hose, lamp timer and electronic valve to create makeshift ventilators
3- Doctors rethinking coronavirus: Are we using ventilators the wrong way?
4- Synthetic antibodies might offer a quick coronavirus treatment
5- Is bright Comet ATLAS disintegrating? | EarthSky.org
6-Curiosity Rover Serves Scientists a New Mystery: Oxygen
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Chandra
Fast links to Bios: Chandra
Chandra’s Items:
1-Viruses are part of evolution
Chandra’s Papers
2- Corona 1
3- Corona2
4B –vcrh-20-8303
5- vcrh-20-8389
6- Our Cosmic Ancestry in the Stars: The Panspermia Revolution and the Origins of Humanity
Click on Cover to Own
8- Brochure pdf
9- Arthur C. Clarke & Chandra Wickramasinghe
10- Fred Hoyle & Chandra Wickramasinghe
11 –
12- Chandra’s latest books including collaborations with Fred Hoyle
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Chandra
Fast links to Bios: Chandra
Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe
Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe is an internationally acclaimed astronomer and one of the foremost pioneers of modern astrobiology. Chandra is famous for his pioneering studies on the carbonaceous nature of cosmic dust and the prevalence of extraterrestrial life. He is a recipient of several international awards and honorary doctorates and was a former Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge and a Professor at Cardiff University for 40 years.
He is currently an Honorary Professor and Director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham, an Honorary Professor and Director of the University of Ruhuna Centre for Astrobiology Sri Lanka, Honorary Professor at the Sir John Kotelawala Defence University of Sri Lanka, Associate Professor the National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka. He is also a founder member of the newly-formed Institute for the Study of Panspermia and Astro-economics in Gifu, Japan. He has written over 30 books and 300 scientific papers, over 60 of these being in the journal Nature.
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Chandra
Fast links to Bios: Chandra
i have not been here every night so i do not know what is wrong with Richard. Could you please let me know?
You guys are working to hard on a random action.
In October 2019 the X38b returned after 700 + days.
Remember Fauci said a virus was coming.
a sampling devise could be integrated into the likes of the virgin galactic space flights, which could provide affordable sampling on a regular basis and easily recovered on the return of the space ship which will be making scheduled flights into low orbit, if allowed.