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Meanwhile … Back on Mars!
Part III

‘Otherworldly’ wreckage captured in new photos from NASA’s Ingenuity Mars helicopter ….”

So read “sci-fi-like” headlines around the world just a couple days ago — after NASA”s amazing electric Martian helicopter named “Ingenuity,” on its 26th flight over Jezero Crater, snapped a series of spectacular aerial images of a 15-foot-wide piece of critical Perseverance rover “flight hardware” … a deliberately discarded section (called “the backshell” …) — lying where it fell, a couple miles northwest of the initial Percy landing site.

Ingenuity’s stunning images captured the whitish cone-shaped NASA artifact sitting just feet from its own 70-foot-wide, red-striped “supersonic” parachute — that had successfully slowed and lowered both the backshell, and the rover it protected, to the Martian surface just over a year ago.

But also instantly apparent:

NEW imaging evidence that one of the Enterprise Mission’s most “outlandish Mars’ hypotheses” — that there still exists a vast, now highly-shattered glass dome extending over 30-mile-wide Jezero Crater, and that NASA deliberately targeted its Perseverance rover to clandestinely land INSIDE it — is, in fact, now totally for real!

Join us tonight … as we discuss Ingenuity’s blatant “‘smoking gun’ for a former Jezero dome … if not the final proof of Martian artificiality itself!”

Richard C. Hoagland

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Ron Gerbron

Member of the Enterprise Mission Imaging Team

Ron is a proudly uncredentialed polymath with a deep interest in the study of archeology, especially Martian archeology. Ron was raised on a farm in Pennsylvania collecting arrowheads as a child.  He found the programmatic aspect of education too limiting after attending a famous Quaker school in PA. Ahead of his studies and his time, he attempted to contort himself into attending college; before he gave up on academia and left to travel overseas. Throughout all this time, he has focused his core attention on the metrology of our paleo history, particularly on other planets, and especially Mars.

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Andrew Currie

Andrew A. Currie began his artistic career as a community public artist, working with neighbourhood groups to create murals in schools and community centres. As a graphic designer and illustrator, he serviced small to large Canadian companies. For the past decade, he has worked as a storyboard artist and concept illustrator in film and television, and in commercial tv advertising. Andrew has a Bachelor of Arts from The University of British Columbia, a diploma in graphic design and illustration, and a Masters in Art Therapy.

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Fast links to Bios:  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Robert  –  Keith


Robert Morningstar


The Morningstar Report Newsletter
Latest article:
UFOs Over The Great State of Maine: Memories and Recollections of a UFO Hunter

Robert Morningstar is a civilian intelligence analyst, investigative journalist and psychotherapist, living in New York City.

Robert is a specialist in photo interpretation, geometric analysis and computer imaging. Robert Morningstar is a graduate of Power Memorial Academy and was a New York State Regents Scholar (1967-72) at Fordham University where he received a degree in psychology.  While at Fordham University, in 1969, Robert participated as a research fellow in a US Navy-sponsored program to develop Artificial Intelligence.

An expert in Chinese language, history and martial arts, he is acknowledged as a Master of Yang Family Tai Chi Ch’uan by the Hong Kong Tai Chi Masters Association and has taught at Oberlin College, and  Hunter College, the City University of New York. In 1992-93, he worked in the Behavioral Science Department of The International Center for the Disabled.

Robert Morningstar is a FAA-licensed private pilot and Instrument Ground Instructor and has studied the paranormal and UFOs for over 50 years and published many research articles on the Internet, exposing government cover-up and deception applied in the JFK Assassination. His work is cited in major books on the JFK assassination, notably in Paris Flammonde’s “The Assassination of America” and “Conspiracy Science” by Prof. James Fetzer.
In 2004, Robert Morningstar presented "TMA 1: A Sign of Intelligent Life on Mars" before a peer review panel at the Min-Tech conference at Johns Hopkins University sponsored by AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics) and was a featured speaker at the historic Secret Space Program Conference-Breakaway Civilization Conference held in San Francisco, June 2015 where he exhibited Apollo mission lunar anomalies and related UFO activity that occurred throughout the Apollo Missions. Robert has written extensively to expose NASA’s use of “Disinformation Technology” to suppress evidence of an extraterrestrial presence on the Moon and of life on Mars.
 Robert is currently the Publisher & Editor of The UFO Spotlight & UFODigest, which expose the real nature and menace of the UFO phenomenon its cover-up and threat to our constitutional liberties. Robert ihas been heard regularly on many national and international radio programs, including Coast-to-Coast AM, Far Out Radio, The Other Side of News, The Martian Revelation, Dr. J Radio Live in L.A. and Skywatchers Radio. Robert is currently the host of hs own radio programs on Revolution Radio..
Robert Morningstar has been listed in Who's Who In America, Who's Who In Who in Business & Industry (1992) and In Science & Technology (1993). Robert was the recipient of the Marquis Who's Who 2020 Albert Neill Lifetime Achievement Award for his work and career as a Civilian Intelligence Analyst.

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Keith Morgan


The Morgan Curve BLOG:

YouTube Channel:

Co-Producer and Sound Engineer for both 'The Other Side of Midnight' and 'The Other Side of the News.'

Keith Morgan has been an Electronics Technician with ABC News in Washington DC since February 1982 and retired in July 2011. He has a BA in Communications from Howard University with a minor in Computer Science. He helped build Howard University's TV station, WHMM, now WHUT. He worked at WRC Channel 4 in Washington in 1980. Keith is the discoverer of what has been coined the Morgan Curve on Mars. He has researched the Mars anomalies since 1988 after  purchasing “The Monuments of Mars”. You can find Keith in Graham Hancock's book "The Mars Mystery", and Dr. Stanley McDaniel's "The McDaniel Report, as well as "The Monuments of Mars" second edition on, and "Dark Mission".

 He worked with Nightline with Ted Koppel. Keith  was instrumental in getting a face to face between Richard Hoagland and Ted Koppel. While at ABC he saw news casts, going to ABC affiliates, about inventors with technologies that could have got us off fossil fuels decades ago. Those were similar technologies that are just now coming into the mainstream today.  He also supplied the Nightline show with information which was used in various shows about Mars and Europa.

Keith thinks he now knows why the face is on Mars, and who is buried within, based on Sumerian writings over 6000 years old.

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Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Ron  –  Robert
Fast links to Bios:  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Robert  –  Keith

Trump Administration Suddenly Announces

Why the Fury to Return to Mars?

Find Out “Why” Here:

Click on Image for The Presidential Briefing


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Ron  –  Robert
Fast links to Bios:  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Robert  –  Keith


Show Items


Richard’s Items:



Face_ on Mars in Cydonia Region Perspective






Faces on Web








Cydonia vs Lamanai-tg







Cydonia Mask Combo-tg









The Rest of This Issue In The Cydonia Slush Index e1464765273346









The Hot and Cold of Webb ….








Where is Webb?       Telescope Alignment Over All Instrument Fields Of View



Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Ron  –  Robert
Fast links to Bios:  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Robert  –  Keith


Ron’s Items:








Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Ron  –  Robert
Fast links to Bios:  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Robert  –  Keith


Robert’s Items



Listen to the ‘Echoes’ of Black Holes Chowing Down on Stars (Space.Com)






Mars Airglow – and 3 Moons






Mars – Chinese Jurong – Faked Photo






Mars – Chinese Jurong – Faked Patch Quilt Background Screen







Mars at Closest Approach July 25th 2018
Photo taken from South Africa by Sebastian Voltmer







TMA-1 – The Eye of Mars







Walled City Found on Mars – November 28, 2016 (UK Express)





Crashed Airframe on Mars …
Compared to Horton HO-229



Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Ron  –  Robert
Fast links to Bios:  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Robert  –  Keith

11 Comments so far:

  1. Jay says:

    Good mix of people. I love the way you all listen to each other and collaborate———guest request—-I always enjoy hearing Georgia Lambert but usually she ends up getting very little air time because the guests she’s on with usually do all the talking and she’s too polite to butt in———–I think your crew would actually be respectful enough to give her the space to express herself fully——-keep up the good work

  2. BrianKovar says:

    Wild fires in the spring is unusual for Richard’s location. 
    But thankfully he is not living near spokane Washington because we as of the time writing this have gotten a tornado and are expecting a second. 
    We never get tornados in our state. 
    Times sure are changing, and rapidly to. 
    Anyway Mr Morgan you make a great guest host. You sure are interesting to listen to. 

    • Keith Morgan says:

      I know Washington State has some weird weather, but tornadoes are super rare. I remember being in the Weyerhaeuser Company building in Washington State for an ABC News remote. I’m standing in the middle of the building, and I look to my right out the windows at that end of the building, and it is dark and raining like crazy. I then look to my left out of the windows at that end of the building, and it was bright and sun shining, and not a drop of rain.
      You are right things are a changing, and hopefully man’s mentality will keep up, but with old school thinking, we will never get out of the sandbox. We are a belief oriented society, and the belief is placed in front of all else. Damn the facts, beliefs are facts to most people. Bob Lazar didn’t believe in UFOs, but once his butt was dropped in the middle of area 51/S-4, and he was knee deep in the facts, his beliefs went out the door. The thing is, the people manipulating the public know how to play on that belief to keep people in the dark, about any and everything. They know the younger generation has to play catchup, and if they can influence their thoughts early on then their beliefs will do the rest. Youth is a clean slate to write whatever they want on it. However, if the youth of today learn from the masters, that came before them and who have done all the leg work, they can take the baton in hand and continue the race well ahead of the pack. If they don’t then they will be forced to start from scratch, and can be lead off course by deliberate disinformation. Most young people somehow put more assurance on what their peers say, who are just as far in the dark as they are. I learned early on to learn from the older generation, because their experience is priceless.
      This generation is living in interesting times, and unless they demonstrate that they have the mental strength to deal with the knowledge of us not being alone in the Universe, they may have to wait another 50 years before the truth tries to surface again.

      • BrianKovar says:

        You are absolutely correct Mr Morgan. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

  3. MrBlack says:

    Well done. No arguments, no 39.5 interruptions every 19.5 minutes of the speaker or guests actually allowing them to finish a sentence and thought. Refreshing. If only the other guy could get a grip on that one part of a guest discussion? Good pictures, interesting interpretations and a good analytical discussion. Again, well done.

    • Keith Morgan says:

      I want to hear people’s thought flow. Interrupting the person speaking breaks their concentration, rhythm or flow, and pattern. That’s when details are lost, or not brought to light, and that’s why I listen. I listen to learn what I don’t know, not show off what I do know, unless asked. There were times when these guys stepped on me while I was trying to make a point, and I should have hit the “Take Over Button”, spelled MUTE, but I didn’t. I want to make the point that Interpretation, and Translation are not the same thing. I hate to read, but if the author writes with enough visualization, it is fun to read, because you can play out the story in your mind as a movie. Jonathan Womack writes like that, and I read his books cover to cover, and enjoy them. Enki dictated to the human scribe the same way. When I read “The Lost Book of Enki” I could see everything unfold as those I was right there. When I ask someone if they have ready the book they “Yes, I have.” However, when I ask them “So what is the Mark of Kane”, they say it was not in the book. I then ask, so what is the answer to the question that every Sunday School kid asks, but never gets an answer. “Where did Kane and Able get wives from?” They say that they didn’t read that in the book. I then ask, so what is the “Tower of Babel” story according to Enki? They still say they didn’t see anything in the book about that. Everyone of those things is mentioned in that book, but it is not obvious, because Enki tells his story, and unless you are familiar with the bible and other religions, you we not see what is unfolding right in front of you. I can answer every one of those questions and more, why can’t they if they read the book? It’s like the Utah Monolith, where people could see it, but neglected to see the artwork and artifacts all around it, on the walls, etc… People look, but they don’t see. Why? Because what they are looking at conflicts with preconceived beliefs. It scares them to step out side those beliefs and look straight at the facts. If you go to the first episode in the trilogy, “Meanwhile Back On Mars…” scroll down to the bottom of my items and click on the “My Utah Experience” PDF and read it, and look at the images in that, and see if you don’t see what Jonathan and I see.

      • MrBlack says:

        I was not yet able to read the entire PDF to be honest, not much of a reader. I do play to input that into my text-to-speech reader at some point, but I do see the monuments scattered all over that place. It kind of reminds me of MARS with artifacts of previous civilization scattered and littered all over Mars as though a giant 10-mile-high nuclear wave washed over the entire planet erasing everything, much like I think also happened here a few thousand years ago and not the first time either. I think Earth and Mars have had several past civilization come and go over just thousands of years, not to mention hundreds of thousands and even millions of years. There is no telling how many have come and gone like that. They do like to hide real history from ‘we their sheeple’

  4. Bpv Bright says:

    Thanks for playing my Other side of midnight song

    • Keith Morgan says:

      For some reason, I couldn’t remember who performed that song. Thank you for creating it. I’m also glad you continue to be a listener, and hopefully a fan.

  5. Don K Johnson says:

    Your ad at 9:30 is so full of bullshit. Are you trying to compete with Jeff Rense? God I hope not.

    • Keith Morgan says:

      That was not an ad, it was a promo for “The Other Side of the News”, which is parting ways with relationship to “The Other Side of Midnight”. That show’s opinions do not reflect the views of “The Other Side of Midnight”. If I should host again, I will try to avoid any controversial promos in the future. I sat in for Richard at the last moment and didn’t have, or find, time to rearrange the promo playbacks, along with the modifying of the website and other issues. Regardless of the one promo, I hope you still enjoyed the show and the information presented, and will continue to tune in.

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