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Support The Other Side of Midnight!

Did Apollo 12 Find Another “Stonehenge” … on the Moon?!

Yes, that’s right, there seems to be a miniature “Stonehenge” … belatedly discovered … on the Moon!

A “US citizen-scientist” just found it … on high-resolution orbital images, taken by a current Indian unmanned spacecraft, Chandrayaan-2, in the wake of its successor Chandrayaan-3’s brilliant success in landing another unmanned spacecraft near the lunar south pole.

The story really begins decades ago … when TWO American lunar missions in the late 1960’s — one unmanned (Surveyor 3), and the other manned (Apollo 12) both landed on the Moon–

Right beside this mini “lunar Stonehenge!”

Yet, nowhere in NASA’s annals of past lunar accomplishments is there even a hint of its remarkable, easily verifiable existence … or, why “someone” would leave such an “Earth-like” ancient marker … on the Moon!

So … “who built it?”

“What was its purpose?”

And … “when was it constructed!?”

Join us.

We have answers ….

Richard C. Hoagland


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Maria Wheatley

The Avebury Experience,
Esoteric College

Maria is a second-generation dowser who was taught by European Master Dowers, her late father and Chinese geomants. She is a leading authority on geodetic earth energies, ley lines and stone circles. Maria is an accomplished author of books on sacred sites and dowsing.

In 2015 Maria made a major discovery. In the Neolithic period there was a royal priesthood of long skulled (elongated) people that made Stonehenge their spiritual capital. Across Europe and the British Isles, this Enigmatic long lost civilization designed elongated shaped monuments to reflect their skull shape. During the Early Bronze Age, the long skulled people were murdered by round skulled people who designed round stone circles and created round barrows for the departed – reflecting the shape of their skulls. Maria tracked down the long elongated skull of the High Queen of Stonehenge and many others to reveal the Secret History of Stonehenge.

Maria has studied Neolithic Britain and Bronze Age prehistory at Bath and Oxford University. Alongside other professionals, Maria combines her knowledge of archaeology, and earth energies with state of the art equipment to detect and interpret the hidden frequencies that the Earth emits. She is an expert on locating and analyzing earth energies at sacred sites across Europe.

Maria has also written holistic diploma courses and runs which offers certificated courses on holistic subjects including past life regression, Druid Soul Star astrology, tarot and dowsing.

Maria teaches advance dowsing techniques which are not taught anywhere else in the world.

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Andrew Currie

Andrew A. Currie began his artistic career as a community public artist, working with neighbourhood groups to create murals in schools and community centres. As a graphic designer and illustrator, he serviced small to large Canadian companies. For the past decade, he has worked as a storyboard artist and concept illustrator in film and television, and in commercial tv advertising. Andrew has a Bachelor of Arts from The University of British Columbia, a diploma in graphic design and illustration, and a Masters in Art Therapy.

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Ron Gerbron

Member of the Enterprise Mission Imaging Team

Ron is a proudly uncredentialed polymath with a deep interest in the study of archeology, especially Martian archeology. Ron was raised on a farm in Pennsylvania collecting arrowheads as a child.  He found the programmatic aspect of education too limiting after attending a famous Quaker school in PA. Ahead of his studies and his time, he attempted to contort himself into attending college; before he gave up on academia and left to travel overseas. Throughout all this time, he has focused his core attention on the metrology of our paleo history, particularly on other planets, and especially Mars.

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Holger Isenberg


Holger has done system operation and consulting around Java-based enterprise applications since 1999 in Germany and moved in 2016 to Silicon Valley, now solving customer problems at a company specialized on providing high performance Java VMs. In his spare time he is applying software engineering skills on public data provided by Mars spaceflight missions.

With working on data provided by Mars missions as an independent researcher, he investigated Martian mysteries since the 1997 Pathfinder landing mission. Since then offered public software services and tools followed, like true color photo browsers over the Pathfinder and Spirit & Opportunity missions or space mission raw image converters. Data archeology on historic Viking Lander camera tapes was also one project. It is difficult to convince him about other sky colors of Mars than human-friendly blue.

Since the 2012 Curiosity landing, he has been an active participant on Mars Society conventions with posters and talks and in addition a member of the local group in Mountain View, California. Aside from spaceflight technology, traveling to ancient sites is one of his interests and wondering about ancient engineering achievements in Egypt and South America. In 2005 he acquired at the University Dortmund, the German Diploma in Computer Science and secondary topic Electrical Engineering.

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David Sereda


David Sereda was born in Edmonton, Alberta, August 21, 1961. He was born into a family of 5 boys being the 2nd eldest. His father, Dr. Lynn Sereda, Ph.D. in educational psychology from UC Berkeley, CA, was dedicated to his children’s spiritual growth. His influence on David is one of the greatest driving forces behind what he does. His mother Linda Trafford, was a carpenter, artist and family lawyer in California.
Crystal Sereda first met David Sereda in Los Angeles at the House of Blues. Dan Aykroyd introduced us at a world meeting of sorts, wherein, my husband was introduced to me as a UFO researcher and historian. David, among other experts and friends were brought in to analyze some UFO footage in the screening room. At that time I especially enjoyed singing Jazz and blues in Los Angeles. I was professionally trained in opera technique, which I use with my husband’s music to create a new way of recording with the 5151, being the first to ever be recorded in modern history out of our “Scale of Life” new harmonic musical scale.
We have also enjoyed film making together which includes our narrating, acting, filming, and my singing vocals for our documentary films along side my husband’s love for music with scoring. We have produced such documentaries as Quantum Communication, The Voice, From Here to Andromeda, Hope For Humanity and Mona Lisa’s Little Secret.
David decided at a certain stage of his education to self design his learning and consequently has studied world religion, meditation, philosophy, science (Fringe science), physics, photography, screenwriting, art, film, music, consciousness, UFOs, Crop Circles, history, sacred sites, transpersonal psychology, yoga and more.
Since the year 1999, David has appeared on hundreds of radio shows such as Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell and George Noory, Jimmy Church, John B. Wells, Shirley MacLaine, Alan Handelman, Alan Eisenberg, and so many more. He has also appeared on nearly every news station on TV including CNN, Anderson Cooper, Fox News (various affiliates), History Channel "Ancient Aliens", Peter Jennings UFO special, "Seeing is Believing 2005" and more.
He has written self published books such as Evidence, the case for NASA UFOs, Singularity, Differentials, Face to Face with Jesus Christ, and jointly with his wife Mona Lisa’s Little Secret, and God’s Great Pyramid.
He has Co Produced, Directed, Edited and scored documentary films, "Evidence, the Case for NASA UFOs" (2001 on VHS 2003 on DVD), Dan Aykroyd, Unplugged on UFOs (2005), THE VOICE (2006), Quantum Communication (2007), Mona Lisa’s Little Secret (2008), Hope for Humanity (2009), etc. His films have had millions of views from DVDs, TV, and Youtube, etc.
He has produced and scored music for meditation, frequencies for tuning consciousness. He and his wife have a meditation practice and consciousness course series on audio and video called Quantum ReGenesis. David and Crystal Sereda have developed a company with natural technology developed both to imprint frequencies and vibrations into jewelry & crystals. He also designs and makes harmonic field transmitters and wands!



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Robert Morningstar


The Morningstar Report Newsletter
Latest article:
UFOs Over The Great State of Maine: Memories and Recollections of a UFO Hunter

Robert Morningstar is a civilian intelligence analyst, investigative journalist and psychotherapist, living in New York City.

Robert is a specialist in photo interpretation, geometric analysis and computer imaging. Robert Morningstar is a graduate of Power Memorial Academy and was a New York State Regents Scholar (1967-72) at Fordham University where he received a degree in psychology.  While at Fordham University, in 1969, Robert participated as a research fellow in a US Navy-sponsored program to develop Artificial Intelligence.

An expert in Chinese language, history and martial arts, he is acknowledged as a Master of Yang Family Tai Chi Ch’uan by the Hong Kong Tai Chi Masters Association and has taught at Oberlin College, and  Hunter College, the City University of New York. In 1992-93, he worked in the Behavioral Science Department of The International Center for the Disabled.

Robert Morningstar is a FAA-licensed private pilot and Instrument Ground Instructor and has studied the paranormal and UFOs for over 50 years and published many research articles on the Internet, exposing government cover-up and deception applied in the JFK Assassination. His work is cited in major books on the JFK assassination, notably in Paris Flammonde’s “The Assassination of America” and “Conspiracy Science” by Prof. James Fetzer.
In 2004, Robert Morningstar presented "TMA 1: A Sign of Intelligent Life on Mars" before a peer review panel at the Min-Tech conference at Johns Hopkins University sponsored by AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics) and was a featured speaker at the historic Secret Space Program Conference-Breakaway Civilization Conference held in San Francisco, June 2015 where he exhibited Apollo mission lunar anomalies and related UFO activity that occurred throughout the Apollo Missions. Robert has written extensively to expose NASA’s use of “Disinformation Technology” to suppress evidence of an extraterrestrial presence on the Moon and of life on Mars.
 Robert is currently the Publisher & Editor of The UFO Spotlight & UFODigest, which expose the real nature and menace of the UFO phenomenon its cover-up and threat to our constitutional liberties. Robert ihas been heard regularly on many national and international radio programs, including Coast-to-Coast AM, Far Out Radio, The Other Side of News, The Martian Revelation, Dr. J Radio Live in L.A. and Skywatchers Radio. Robert is currently the host of hs own radio programs on Revolution Radio..
Robert Morningstar has been listed in Who's Who In America, Who's Who In Who in Business & Industry (1992) and In Science & Technology (1993). Robert was the recipient of the Marquis Who's Who 2020 Albert Neill Lifetime Achievement Award for his work and career as a Civilian Intelligence Analyst.

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Barbara Honegger, M.S.

has served in high-level Government positions including
White House Policy Analyst, Special Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy,
Director of the Attorney General’s Law Review at the Department of Justice, and for more
than a decade was the Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School, the premiere science, technology and national security affairs graduate research university of the Department of Defense.

Barbara is Chairman of the Board and Investigative Researcher with the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry. Since Sept. 11th she has been a leading author, documentarian, public speaker and major activist on the events of 9/11 with emphasis on the Pentagon Attack and Anthrax Attacks, including presentations and speaking tours in the U.S. Europe and Canada.
Barbara researched, scripted and produced the video documentaries ‘Behind The Smoke Curtain: What Happened at The Pentagon, and What Didn’t, and Why It Matters’ and ‘The 9/11 Museum Virtual Walking Tour’, both with over 250,000 views on YouTube. The Walking Tour uses the actual exhibit items in the 9/11 Museum at Ground Zero itself to prove that the Official Story of Sept. 11th is false. She is also the visionary for and physically executed the iconic ‘Third Beam’ Spotlight shown into the NYC skyline on the 9th Anniversary of the attacks that has become the icon for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and the 9/11 Truth Movement worldwide.

Barbara is also a national whistleblower. Her pioneering book October Surprise, the first on the topic subsequently confirmed by formerly classified documents and deathbed confessions of key conspirators, led to an official Congressional re-investigation of the Iran side of the Iran-Contra scandal funded at the level of the 9/11 Commission.

Ms. Honegger earned Bachelor of Arts from Stanford University; a Master of Science in Consciousness Studies from John F. Kennedy University; and Masters level certification in National Security Decision making from the Naval War College. She has twice run as a Candidate for Congress for the central coast district of California, most recently on a 9/11 Truth Platform.

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Ruggero A Calo

Ruggero (Pronounced Rujiero), is of Italian- English descent. From his native London, he later moved to the South Coast (Jurassic Coast) of England where he lives and works. Ruggero graduated from ‘The University of Southampton’ School of Health Professions Science in 2004 with a BSc Honors degree in Podiatric medicine. In his working professional life, he undertakes all aspects of general practice with a special interest in Human movement and musculoskeletal medicine including gait re-education and orthotic prescription.

Ruggero is a keen athlete having represented his locality in sprint running for the 100, 200 and 400m, was a youth county swimming champion and went on to race with and coach the university team. Along with this Ruggero is an accomplished swimming instructor having taught all levels and everyone from youth nonswimmers to adults with physical and learning difficulties. He also holds a second-degree blackbelt and teaching qualification in the Natural Way Karate (Shizenryu) specializing in contact reflexes and practicing martial art in the ancient and traditional form as held preserved secretly by the Chinese Buddhist monks. As well as his day work, Ruggero has published his first music album in 2017 and is recording his second piece of work for release this 2021. He has performed at large and small UK music festivals with his career highlight supporting one of his favorite ‘Grammy’ award-winning Reggae Artists on an acoustic tour in the UK. When not in working practice you can find Ruggero undertaking his passion of surfing and skating at many of the reef-breaks or skateparks in his beloved home of the SouthWest Coastal region of the United Kingdom.

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Georgia Lambert

GL face

Website: Lambert’s Lodge 

Georgia Lambert has over fifty years of experience in the field of Esoteric Studies, receiving formal training in Eastern and Western disciplines, methods and traditions. She was the first to be licensed by the State of California to teach Meditation and Esoteric Physiology, an experimental course she presented for 3 years at the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific.

In the past, she has served on the board of directors of United Health Resource, has been on the staff at the Institute for Health Facilitation for 3 years, taught for 2 years for the Institute for Advancement of Human Potential, and served on the Teaching staff of the Philosophical Research Society for 10 years, under Manly Palmer Hall. Her lecture credits include Children’s Hospital of Orange County, California State University of Fullerton, Orange Coast College, and Orange County Correctional Facility at Chino, The William Parker Holistic Health Center, The University of the Seven Rays, The Edgar Casey Foundation (A.R.E.),The Theosophical Society, Arcana Workshop, and the 1985 National Cranial Conference sponsored by the American Osteopathic Association.

In 1989, she became the first woman to address a Scottish Rite Research Group on the higher degrees of Masonry. In 1995, 1996, and 1997 she gave presentations to the Pacific Southwest Regional Conclaves of the Rosicrucian Order A.M.O.R.C., both in the USA and in Canada. In 2001, she was invited to participate in a “Think Tank” under the umbrella of an Aerospace Corporation on the subject of Science and Education, and her artwork was featured at the Education Summit for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. In England, she has given seminars for the Scientific and Medical network at St. Katherine’s College in Oxford, and for the Wrekin Trust at Regents Park College, London. Her publishing credits include articles in the British Holistic Health Journal, Caduceus, and appearances on both radio and television.


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Laura London

Laura London studied experimental psychology at the University of Washington and earned her undergraduate degree in neuropsychology from a private Jesuit university.

After working for many years in neurology, neuro-imaging, and nuclear medicine at University Hospitals of Cleveland and its VA psychiatric hospital, she left that scene and entered into a 17-year Jungian analysis sending her deeply into the work of Carl Gustav Jung. She attended a wide variety of lectures, workshops and seminars with notable Jungian analysts and authors, and worked closely with the Jung Association of Central Ohio and the C.G. Jung Center in Chicago.

In 2015, she created the podcast Speaking of Jung: Interviews with Jungian Analysts, which led her to Zürich, Switzerland to visit the places where Jung lived and worked. For the past five years she has interviewed over 50 certified Jungian analysts in an effort to bring the theories and applications of Jungian analysis to a wider segment of the public. As host and producer she has made every episode available to stream or download for free at, where you’ll also find a treasure trove of resources on Jung, his psychology, and the people who practice it.

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Jonathan Womack



Jonathan Womack is an astral Samaritan, psi-archeologist, musician, award-winning author, and film producer. Jonathan began leaving his body in the fall of 1965 after watching an episode of the sci-fi series, “Lost in Space”. A year later, Jonathan found his calling after watching the premiere of the Saturday morning cartoon, “The New Adventures of Superman”. Jonathan donned the astral cape and leotards when he began receiving psychic distress alarms from people and spirits.

In 1968, during a family vacation to Colorado, Jonathan was struck by the appearance of ancient ruins and monuments. Five decades passed as Jonathan evolved and expanded his metaphysical scope, answering alarms and clearing traumatized sites such as ground zero in New York City.

In the summer of 2021, while viewing images presented on an episode of Richard Hoagland’s radio podcast, “The Other Side of Midnight”, Jonathan was again struck by clear evidence of ruins, monuments, portals, sphinxes, spires and murals in Arches National Park, Utah.

Jonathan committed himself to dispelling the myth and conditioning of “interesting erosion” in the American southwest, Alula, Saudi Arabia, and other sculpted regions around the world, as well as the planetary art covering the Martian surface.


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Why the Fury to Return to Mars?



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Show Items


Richard’s Items:

Palestinian children at a United Nations-run school at Khan Younes in the southern Gaza Strip, now filling with refugees from Gaza City on Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023. Hundreds of thousands of Gazans fleeing south in response to Israeli warnings struggled to find food and shelter on Saturday in an intensifying humanitarian crisis, with the United Nations saying that water supplies were dwindling. (Yousef Masoud/The New York Times)


The Secrets Hamas Knew About Israel’s Military










Photos: See the ring of fire eclipse



3. UPDATE: NASA Shares UAP Independent Study Report; Names Director – NASA



Apollo 16 Moon Rock “thin-section” — showing “ET nano-machines” imprisoned inside the rock!







Surveyor 3: Touching the Face of the Moon



The Apollo 12 Visit to Surveyor 3: A Preview of Space Archaeology




Apollo 12 Lunar Module





Marty McGuire | Backyard Astronomy Guy – Apollo-ISRO





Intrepid Descent Stage









Apollo 12 Lunar Stonehenge






Apollo 12 Stonehenge Stone Alignment 1




Is This a Lunar Time Capsule?










Alan Bean Painting, Surveyor 1 Footpad and Landscape Combination





Lunar Landscape with Registration Mark




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Georgia’s Items:



The Hebrew Alphabet Small









PATHS on the TREE of the Hebrew Alphabet PFD







Esoteric English Alphabet PFD





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Holger’s Items:

Apollo 12 and 10m diameter Boulder Ring, 2021, Chandrayaan-2, 25cm/pixel, OHRC, ch2_ohr_ncp_20210405T1606536730_d_img_d18




Apollo 12 and boulder ring, 2011, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, 25cm/pixel, M168353795RC





Pete Conrad next to Surveyor 3 with the boulder ring in the background, 1969, AS12-48-7133






Apollo 12 LEM and Surveyor 3 with the boulder ring in the background, 1969





5.  Surveyor 3 surface mosaic 1 of the boulder ring location, but not yet clearly identified.
Surveyor III Mission Report, NASA Technical Report 32-1177, part3, p2751:



6.  Surveyor 3 surface mosaic 12 with north, east, south marks to allow azimuth positioning.
Surveyor III Mission Report, NASA Technical Report 32-1177, part3, p286:




7. In 2014 a project to digitize all 6315 Surveyor 3 images archived on 70mm film was started and on the technical digitizing side completed in 2015. It was planned to publish those in the NASA PDS database, but that apparently hasn’t happened yet.




Lunar Orbiter 3 images of the Apollo 12 and Surveyor 3 site before landing, February 1967, FRAME_3154 (H154)






Similar appearance and size, but less circular boulder rings as the Apollo 12 site one, a few km away on the same Chandrayaan-2 image ch2_ohr_ncp_20210405T1606536730_d_img_d18.




10.  10m diameter pre-historic boulder circles in North Eastern Germany



11.  Tweet from 2023-09-21 where I noticed the boulder ring the first time the same day.



12.  Older discussion of the Chandrayaan-2 image where users pointed out the ring already on Sep 2.

ISRO Chandrayaan2’s photos of Apollo 11 & 12 landing sites
byu/backyardastronomyguy inISRO



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Maria’s Items:

Aerial Shot Colour of Gray Hill Stone Circle









Gray Hill Cairn P1170660






Aerial Stanton Moor 9 Ladies





Nine Ladies






Birkrigg and Lunar






Bohonagh 002L















Energetic Cross-Talk at Rollright









King Stone & Ley Energy 22










Stonehenge Phase 1









Lunar Module Alignment









Surveyor 3































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Jonathan’s Items:


Stonehenge Hera






Stonehenge Hera Earth




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Ruggero’s Items:


















RCH Side View Geometric Rock 






RCH Moon Geometric Rock Overhead 






RCH Oversketch Image 













8. 10 Ancient Uk Stone Circle sites. 





Ring of Brodgar, Neolithic Site Orkney Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom.
















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5 Comments so far:

  1. Don K Johnson says:

    I see crystals in the rock, I don’t see any nanomachines….yet.

  2. Walter says:

    What a show.. excellent!  I was not able to stop listening and researching this information…    Thanks for all your interest and hard work!!

  3. Dr, Marjys Moeller says:

    Rather than Avi Loeb prove Hoagland’s hypothesis wrong, how about Hoagland prove his wild claims are correct?  Anybody can make claims without basis, how about the Sun is nothing more than a heat lamp in a giant’s laboratory, of which we are nothing more than specimens being studied.  A crazy statement but is no more without basis than most of what Hoagland claims as fact, simply because he says so.

  4. Don K Johnson says:

    No RCH, I disagree that was a stretch 

  5. Don K Johnson says:

    LOLOLOLOL, I can’t follow your guests thoughts, when you keep interrupting them with, “HANG ON HANG ON”, all the time.

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