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Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard – Richard Grossinger – Ron – Andrew Fast links to Bios: Richard Grossinger – Ron – Andrew – Kynthea – Keith Tonight, we welcome Richard Grossinger — anthropologist, writer, esotericist … founder of North Atlantic Books, and publisher of my first major work on “extraterrestrial archaeology”– “The Monuments of Mars.” Our conversation — against a backdrop of spiralling-out-of-control domestic and global events, both on and off the planet! — will be far-ranging …. Covid-19: Everything … from the political mayhem it has caused in the established “body politic,” to the palapable CHANGE in the overall “vibration” of the planet, to its ultimately “still mysterious” origins– Could it, after all, have been CAUSED by the Chinese? Or, did it come — literally — from outer space — with the Chinese as its first VICTIMS!? And, is it just “coincidence” that this sudden, RADICAL shift in “mainstream […]
. Richard Grossinger Websites: Richard Grossinger has a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Michigan. The former publisher of North Atlantic Books, he is the author of several books, including Dark Pool of Light: Reality and Consciousness, The Night Sky: Soul and Cosmos, and Bottoming Out the Universe. He lives in Portland, Maine, and Berkeley, California. Grossinger’s writing can be divided into three overlapping categories: general experimental prose; books on topics in science viewed historically, cross-culturally, epistemologically, esoterically, and in terms of pop culture; and autobiographical memoirs. All of the work arises through a literary sensibility. During the seventies, he read and spoke at a number of institutions, including: University of California at Santa Cruz, SUNY New Paltz, Franconia College, Kent State University, the Chicago Poetry Festival, West Virginia University, Keyser State University, St. Marks Church, San Francisco State, JFK University, and College of the Atlantic. Grossinger has studied tarot, […]
Richard’s Items 1. How Bernie Sanders Could Become President With Only 130,000 Votes 2. President Obama: Let’s Go to Mars 3.Gorbachev warns of ‘dangerous point’ as US-Russia ties sour 4. Two Space Agencies Will Try to Make a Historic Landing on Mars Next Week 5. Russian Government Officials Told To Immediately Bring Back Children Studying Abroad Dr. Richard B. Spence Dr. Richard B. Spence is a Professor of History at the University of Idaho. His special interests include modern Russian, military, espionage and occult history and the history of anti-Semitism. One of his most popular courses deals with the role of conspiracies and secret societies in history. His major published works include Boris Savinkov: Renegade on the Left (East European Monographs/Columbia Univ. Press, 1991), […]