SAT. 9 pm – Midnight PT / Midnight – 3 am ET
SUN. 5 am GMT

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Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Georgia  –  Holger  –  Andrew
Fast links to Bios:  Holger –  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Georgia


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The “Enterprise” Around NASA’s Secret “Horus Mission” to the Moon ….

NASA just embarked upon another “secret mission” … and they did it this week in plain sight!

An official “Enterprise Mission” (I kid you NOT) ….

Just ask one of the NASA rocket engineers, as in his pre-launch interview about “NASA’s new ‘Vulcan’ rocket” — the selected launcher for NASA’s first returning spacecraft to the Moon in over fifty years — the unmanned “Peregrine spacecraft” — the engineer turned to the NASA cameras and casually called it “… an ‘Enterprise’ Mission.”

It’s on tape.

For, on-board this mission … this “Enterprise NASA Mission” … are the specifically flown ashes and DNA of not only three of the deceased and beloved “bridge crew” of the USS Enterprise — Nichelle Nichols, James Doohan and DeForest Kelley — but none other than the “The Great Bird of the Galaxy” himself … Gene Roddenberry, and his wife Majel–

Accompanied by the DNA of Gene’s long-time friend and colleague — and mine as well — Sir Arthur C. Clarke.

And … it only gets better from there.

For, a “Peregrine” is a special kind of bird … revered by the Ancient Egyptians … a Falcon … the falcon that was the prime symbol of the ancient Egyptian god “Horus”–

“The god of the Rising Sun … and Resurrection.”

A secret “Horus Mission” to the Moon … and, it now turns out, Beyond ….

Join us.

Richard C. Hoagland

Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Georgia  –  Holger  –  Andrew
Fast links to Bios:  Holger –  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Georgia


Holger Isenberg


Holger has done system operation and consulting around Java-based enterprise applications since 1999 in Germany and moved in 2016 to Silicon Valley, now solving customer problems at a company specialized on providing high performance Java VMs. In his spare time he is applying software engineering skills on public data provided by Mars spaceflight missions.

With working on data provided by Mars missions as an independent researcher, he investigated Martian mysteries since the 1997 Pathfinder landing mission. Since then offered public software services and tools followed, like true color photo browsers over the Pathfinder and Spirit & Opportunity missions or space mission raw image converters. Data archeology on historic Viking Lander camera tapes was also one project. It is difficult to convince him about other sky colors of Mars than human-friendly blue.

Since the 2012 Curiosity landing, he has been an active participant on Mars Society conventions with posters and talks and in addition a member of the local group in Mountain View, California. Aside from spaceflight technology, traveling to ancient sites is one of his interests and wondering about ancient engineering achievements in Egypt and South America. In 2005 he acquired at the University Dortmund, the German Diploma in Computer Science and secondary topic Electrical Engineering.

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Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Georgia  –  Holger  –  Andrew
Fast links to Bios:  Holger –  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Georgia


Georgia Lambert

GL face

Website: Lambert’s Lodge 

Georgia Lambert has over fifty years of experience in the field of Esoteric Studies, receiving formal training in Eastern and Western disciplines, methods and traditions. She was the first to be licensed by the State of California to teach Meditation and Esoteric Physiology, an experimental course she presented for 3 years at the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific.

In the past, she has served on the board of directors of United Health Resource, has been on the staff at the Institute for Health Facilitation for 3 years, taught for 2 years for the Institute for Advancement of Human Potential, and served on the Teaching staff of the Philosophical Research Society for 10 years, under Manly Palmer Hall. Her lecture credits include Children’s Hospital of Orange County, California State University of Fullerton, Orange Coast College, and Orange County Correctional Facility at Chino, The William Parker Holistic Health Center, The University of the Seven Rays, The Edgar Casey Foundation (A.R.E.),The Theosophical Society, Arcana Workshop, and the 1985 National Cranial Conference sponsored by the American Osteopathic Association.

In 1989, she became the first woman to address a Scottish Rite Research Group on the higher degrees of Masonry. In 1995, 1996, and 1997 she gave presentations to the Pacific Southwest Regional Conclaves of the Rosicrucian Order A.M.O.R.C., both in the USA and in Canada. In 2001, she was invited to participate in a “Think Tank” under the umbrella of an Aerospace Corporation on the subject of Science and Education, and her artwork was featured at the Education Summit for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. In England, she has given seminars for the Scientific and Medical network at St. Katherine’s College in Oxford, and for the Wrekin Trust at Regents Park College, London. Her publishing credits include articles in the British Holistic Health Journal, Caduceus, and appearances on both radio and television.


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Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Georgia  –  Holger  –  Andrew
Fast links to Bios:  Holger –  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Georgia


Ron Gerbron

Member of the Enterprise Mission Imaging Team

Ron is a proudly uncredentialed polymath with a deep interest in the study of archeology, especially Martian archeology. Ron was raised on a farm in Pennsylvania collecting arrowheads as a child.  He found the programmatic aspect of education too limiting after attending a famous Quaker school in PA. Ahead of his studies and his time, he attempted to contort himself into attending college; before he gave up on academia and left to travel overseas. Throughout all this time, he has focused his core attention on the metrology of our paleo history, particularly on other planets, and especially Mars.

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Fast links to Bios:  Holger –  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Georgia


Andrew Currie

Andrew A. Currie began his artistic career as a community public artist, working with neighbourhood groups to create murals in schools and community centres. As a graphic designer and illustrator, he serviced small to large Canadian companies. For the past decade, he has worked as a storyboard artist and concept illustrator in film and television, and in commercial tv advertising. Andrew has a Bachelor of Arts from The University of British Columbia, a diploma in graphic design and illustration, and a Masters in Art Therapy.

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Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Georgia  –  Holger  –  Andrew
Fast links to Bios:  Holger –  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Georgia

Why the Fury to Return to Mars?
Find Out “Why” Here:


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Georgia  –  Holger  –  Andrew
Fast links to Bios:  Holger –  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Georgia


You’re Welcome to Add Your Comments Below
in the blog below before the show:)


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Georgia  –  Holger  –  Andrew
Fast links to Bios:  Holger –  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Georgia



Show Items


Richard’s Items:

US military strikes another Houthi-controlled site after warning ships to avoid parts of Red Sea



2. Why the Secretary of Defense’s Mysterious Disappearance Means He Needs to Go.



3. United Launch Alliance’s (ULA) Vulcan Centaur lifting from a launchpad Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, on Jan. 8.


‘Star Trek’ memorial flight adds 2 more names to its Enterprise mission.






Peregrine Initial Landing Site






6. NASA changes landing site for Peregrine lunar lander,the%20western%20part%20of%20the%20moon%E2%80%99s%20near%20side.


Navajo Nation objects to NASA allowing human remains to be sent to moon.




NASA delays Artemis crewed launches, targets moon landing in 2026



An Alternative Theory of Inertia will Get Tested in Space



NASA finally unlocks asteroid sample trapped behind stuck fasteners (


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Georgia  –  Holger  –  Andrew
Fast links to Bios:  Holger –  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Georgia


Georgia’s Items:


AAA Conference





Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Georgia  –  Holger  –  Andrew
Fast links to Bios:  Holger –  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Georgia

Andrew’s Items:

1. NASA and the Navajo Nation | Education | Astrobiology




Navajo Code Talkers | Short Documentary | EXPLORE MODE



Core memory weavers and Navajo women made the Apollo missions possible.





Navajo Goes Extraterrestrial




Why Star Wars Was Dubbed into the Navajo Language | Native America | PBS




AC – The X-Files – Mulder finds hybrids’ corpses in a boxcar [2×25 – Anasazi]




AC – NASA & The Navajo Nation





Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Georgia  –  Holger  –  Andrew
Fast links to Bios:  Holger –  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Georgia


Holger’s Items:

1. Bright blue exhaust of the Vulcan BE-4 engines made by BlueOrigin burning Methane (LNG) and Oxygen. The blue color in this case is not due to temperature. It’s molecular gas excitation of CH and C-C bonds.

Details explained:



The planets’ color visualization is fading since Voyager 2 in 1989. In this 2023 study, the blue of Neptune and cyan of Uranus is barely distinguishable.




3. Jupiter moon Io, also faded since the bright yellow sulfur colors of Voyager 1 in 1979 and Galileo in 1999. Newest image taken by JunoCam in 2023.



Peregrine 1 planned orbit: Arrival at the Moon’s orbit distance on January 13, but the Moon hasn’t arrived yet and the lander continues returns to its orbital perigee at Earth and finally reaches lunar orbit on Jan 23.


Peregrine 1 current location, having reached the Moon’s orbital distance and is now returning on its orbit around Earth and then back to the Moon.



Peregrine 1 first prediction of escaping the Moon-Earth system into open space.



Peregrine 1 new prediction of impacting the Moon on Jan 23.




Peregrine 1, newest prediction with burning up in the Earth atmosphere on January 19, 09:07 UTC





9. exclusive article about the Memorial Enterprise Flight on the ULA Vulcan Centaur V






Star Trek – The Omega Glory, 1968

Star Trek – Bread and Circuses, 1968:


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Georgia  –  Holger  –  Andrew
Fast links to Bios:  Holger –  Ron  –  Andrew  –  Georgia

4 Comments so far:

  1. Rifts Mean says:

    Hello.  Sorry if this is mean, but somebody might want to view this.
    Hopefully somebody can correct the record.  All publicity is good publicity.  Right?
    The podcast was wonderful and informing this morning.  Thanks!  Looking forward to tonight’s podcast tomorrow morning or whenever.  Keep up the great work!  Thanks again for everybody who makes this podcast possible!

  2. Charlie Linville says:

    One more comment, 🏹🎯 when Richard talking about the exotic physics and inherent dangers if used without the ability to dampen resonant effects. Excellent point made Richard!!!! 🎯🎯🎯

  3. Charlie Linville says:

    It’s been a long time, but have your presentation on live now. Thanking Holger, Georgia, Ron, Richard, and staff. All best wishes. Charlie. 

  4. George donovan says:

    Keith have you seen the newest Mars waterfall pic George Noory just posted it on Twitter/ X

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