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Comments Off on 2017/07/08 – Joseph P Farrell ‘Out of the Box’ Physics can Avert a Nuclear Attack!

  RCH’s Items: Infinite Energy – Magazine  Transcript of ABC-TV “Good Morning America” Program on Cold Fusion Excess Energy and Radioactivity Reduction1- 1- 2-  3-  Graham Hancock: John Major Jenkins has passed on… “I’m saddened to hear that John Major Jenkins has passed on – at far too young an age – to the next great adventure. John was a good man, and a brilliant researcher unfairly maligned by academic so-called “skeptics” who completely, and in most cases deliberately, misunderstood and misrepresented his work. In getting to grips with the mystery of the Mayan calendar, it is only the astronomy that counts – and naked-eye astronomy at that. We are not talking about radio telescopes or astrophysics here. “With regard to the naked-eye astronomy of the ancient Maya”, I wrote in Magicians of the Gods in 2015, “the real scholars of this subject, amongst whom there is none more pre-eminent than […]

Comments Off on 2017/07/01 – Joseph G. Buchman, PhD “Running for Congress to Expose the Reality of ‘Extraterrestrials’ — in the Era of Trump.” / Georgia Lambert

  Joseph G. Buchman earned his PhD in Media from Indiana University, was a tenured professor of marketing  He is the current Chair of the Libertarian Party of Utah, the past chair of the national Libertarian Platform Committee, and served as the moderator of the Citizen Hearing (and was the “7th” member of that committee to ask questions of witnesses when he replaced Darlene Hooley. He is a full member of SSE and has presented there, presented at the SETI CONTACT: Cultures of the Imagination conference, the American Psychological Association, X-Conferences, the National Association of Broadcasters, was MC of the Sonoma CA International UFO Film Fest and a volunteer (13 years) at Sundance Film Festival.  He also served as MC for Roswell fest panels in 2015 and 2016 (Dolan and Schmidt have included acknowledgements to him in their books). Sundance Film Fest did a video about his meeting Buzz Aldrin […]

Comments Off on 2017/06/18 – Dr. Richard B. Spence – Understanding the Hidden Forces in the Middle East

Learn the hidden history of deliberate sabotage by “the invaders” to disrupt any chance of peace in the Middle East. Dr. Richard B. is a Professor of History at the University of Idaho.   His special interests include modern Russian, military, espionage and occult history and the history of anti-Semitism.  One of his most popular courses deals with the role of conspiracies and secret societies in history. His major published works include Boris Savinkov: Renegade on the Left (East European Monographs/Columbia Univ. Press, 1991), Trust No One: The Secret World of Sidney Reilly (Feral House, 2002) and Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult (Feral House, 2008). He also co-authored with Walter Bosley, Empire of the Wheel: Espionage, the Occult and Murder in Southern California (Corvos, 2011). In addition, he is the author of many articles in Revolutionary Russia, Intelligence and National Security, International Journal of Intelligence and […]

Comments Off on 2017/06/11 – Stephen Bassett – Disclosure: Likely Scenarios & Deep State Agendas

RCH’s Items:       Stephen’s Items: Stephen Bassett Stephen Bassett is the executive director of Paradigm Research Group (PRG) founded in 1996 to end a government imposed embargo on the truth behind extraterrestrial related phenomena. He has spoken to audiences around the world about the implications of formal “Disclosure” by world governments of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and given over 1000 radio and television interviews. PRG’s advocacy work has been extensively covered by national and international media. In 2013 PRG produced a “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” at the National Press Club in Washington. In November of 2014 PRG launched two political initiatives in Washington, DC. One sought the first hearings on Capitol Hill since 1968 regarding the extraterrestrial presence issue. The other sought to force the ET issue into the 2016 presidential campaign. Going forward from the U.S. election outcome PRG will now also operate under […]

Comments Off on 2017/06/04 – Welcome Back Show with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell – World Events From A Deeper Perspective…

RCH’s Items: ,  Farrell’s books Dr. Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history, science, and “strange stuff”. Raised in South Dakota, he has had a wide range of jobs and is currently a full-time author and researcher. His many books include: The Giza Death Star Trilogy; Reich of the Black Sun; The SS Brotherhood of the Bell; Nazi International; Secrets of the Unified Field; Roswell and Reich; The Cosmic War; Grid of the Gods; Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops; Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations; Thrice Great Hermetica and the Janus Age; The Third Way; Transhumanism and others. His latest book, “Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery” blows the lid off not only the mainstream media’s consensus view that 9/11 was perpetrated by a terrorist network but even alternative views suggesting there were two levels to the […]