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Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard   –  Andrew  –  Holger  –  Ruggero Fast links to Bios:     Andrew  –  Ruggero  –  Robert  –  Ron  – Holger   Support The Other Side of Midnight! Chandrayaan-3 Is India’s New Moon-Landing Mission Secretly being Guided … by The Enterprise Mission’s Profound Discovery of “the Ancient Lunar Domes?!” Last Thursday afternoon (July 20th), India successfully launched its second attempt (Chandrayaan-3) at landing an unmanned robot on the Moon– “Coincidentally,” in the 54th Anniversary “window” of Apollo 11’s historic 3-day manned lunar stay, in 1969. India’s first attempt at an unmanned lunar landing, Chandraayan-2, was in 2019 — with a lander named “Vickram” (after the founder of the Indian space program, Vikram Sarabhai). Unfortunately, within seconds of Vickram’s touchdown, its radio signal suddenly vanished … dashing India’s hopes for becoming the fourth nation (besides the United States, the Soviet Union and China) to successfully land […]

Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Ralphie Fast links to Bios:  Ralphie  Support The Other Side of Midnight! The Webb Telescope’s First Year … and ASTONISHING Discoveries The James Webb Space Telescope has just celebrated its incredibly productive “first year,” lazily orbiting in its extended L-2 location … a million miles “behind” the Earth (as seen from the Sun). What has it actually found? Well, here’s a (partial …) list: 1) First Deep Field IR image: Webb’s first official telescopic observation was the most detailed, “deep” (long-range) infrared image of the Universe ever created … leading eventually tro a potentially “mind blowing” conclusion …. 2) Most distant active “supermassive black hole” 3) Webb’s first “exoplanet”: On January 11, 2023, NASA reported finding Webb’s first exoplanet, LHS 475 b, located 41 light-years away from the Earth. Webb’s transmission spectrum revealed it to be (wait for it …) an Earth-sized terrestrial world […]

Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Barbara  –  David  –  Robert Fast links to Bios:   Barbara  –  Robert  –  David   Support The Other Side of Midnight!  “I Am become Death ….” The Secrets BEHIND Oppenheimer’s A-Bomb “… the Shatterer of Worlds.” Thus ends Verse 12 of the Bhagavad-Gita … quoted in awe by J. Robert Oppenheimer, “father” of the US atomic bomb, moments after the predawn New Mexican darkness of July 16, 1945 was uniquely shattered … at a place named by the Spanish “Jornada del Muerto (Journey of the Dead Man …).” Prescient …. No, we’re NOT going to talk about “Oppenheimer the Movie” tonight (well, not much …), but about The Event itself … and the Man … and the HD Physics … behind this “world-shattering moment” in world history …. And, explore the question– Why, of all people — of all “nuclear” US physicists living […]

Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Wilbur  –  Robert Fast links to Bios:    Wilbur  –  Stephen   –  Robert    Support The Other Side of Midnight! “DISCLOSURE” … the Latest from Washington In the long and tortured history of “UFOs” (renamed recently UAPs — “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena”), we have finally reached a real “game-changing moment”: As the US Congress, through the current Senate Intelligence Committee legislative process, works on language (to be integrated into the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act) that will mandate — under Federal Law — that any and all “non-Earth origin or exotic UAP materials” currently in possession of the US Government (or its contractors) be formally acknowledged … and then, handed over to the Pentagon’s new “All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)”– “Within six months of presidential signing of this legislation into law ….” In other words, within the next 12 months, the world at large […]

Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard  –  John  –  Mark – Keith  – Kynthea –  Ron  –  Robert Fast links to Bios:   John – Mark – Kynthea – Keith – Ron – Robert    Support The Other Side of Midnight! “Finding extraterrestrial artifacts in our own solar system is, at least, [now scientifically] plausible ….” — Dr. David Grinspoon, NASA How the NASA “UAP Revolution” BEGAN …. It began … with “the Independent Mars Investigation” — the first known scientific study (in 1983) of possible “ET artifacts on Mars”; artifacts photographed by NASA’s earlier unmanned Viking Mission during the 200th “Bicentennial Summer Celebration” of the Nation’s formal separation from its colonial owner, England. It began … with my still somewhat unbelievable success in convincing upper management of the prestigious west coast “think tank” SRI (the Stanford Research Institute) to sponsor “an informal investigation” of a set of “highly geometric land forms” […]