Tag Archives: George Balabanis
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Tonight, as Part II of our “Mars March Weekend,” we share striking, startling new evidence of a formerly “inhabited Mars”– Ranging from … an entire ancient “city on a hill,” located in Gale Crater … to massive Martian pyramids within that city (and beyond) … to the rusting fragments of advanced machines that the long-since vanished peoples of that city once created …. And, as we asked last night, we pose again the crucial question: Are these haunting fragments but the leftovers of a once cataclysmic conflagration which occurred, not only on Mars … but which engulfed the entire “ancient solar system”– “The Great Celestial War?” Our panelists tonight, citizen scientists all, are literally “writing the book” on this extraordinary possibility …. _And are asking the overwhelming, crucial question: Could this ancient solar system conflict– Still be going on?! And — is “the War” to engulf ALL of us once […]
Was this solar system — including Earth and (of course) Mars — once involved in an ancient, cataclysmic conflagration … which some have termed “the Great War?” Is this possible “incredibly ancient, catastrophic conflict” — which, apparently, destroyed entire planets and their moons — still on-going?– Unbeknownst to 99.99999% of current humans? My guest tonight, George Balabanis, explores the potential “hidden meaning” behind so many ancient myths, from all around the world — that all seem to be conveying the same theme … an ancient “War in Heaven” …. I wonder …. Could President Trump’s sudden call for a “space force of ultra-sophisticated technology and Marines,” and President Putin’s “answer” — his equally suddenly-announced “new mission to the Planet Mars” — have anything to do with the off-the-wall idea that this “Great War” … could still be going on!? Join us. Richard C. Hoagland Help Support Our Mission to Keep the Show on […]
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